84781 packages online
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This is a simple Bank account/cash managing system that works very
well due to its simplisity.
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
62 62 0.0% 13-Jun-95 20:50:22 .info
87476 54085 38.1% 13-Jun-95 20:50:44 AmiCash
1122 410 63.4% 13-Jun-95 20:50:44 AmiCash.info
6752 3785 43.9% 13-Jun-95 20:49:42 +border
52 46 11.5% 13-Jun-95 20:49:38 +click
128 120 6.2% 13-Jun-95 20:49:40 +cls
112 94 16.0% 13-Jun-95 20:49:38 +onlypal1
7960 7768 2.4% 13-Jun-95 20:49:40 +view
20406 9686 52.5% 13-Jun-95 20:49:44 +cash.iff
7430 2938 60.4% 13-Jun-95 20:49:44 +cash.question
10318 3929 61.9% 13-Jun-95 20:49:46 +cash.title
894 340 61.9% 13-Jun-95 20:49:54 +amicash.info
87516 54114 38.1% 13-Jun-95 20:49:52 +amicash_hd
1122 418 62.7% 13-Jun-95 20:49:54 +amicash_hd.info
2819 1019 63.8% 13-Jun-95 20:49:58 +MountList
232 119 48.7% 13-Jun-95 20:50:04 +system-configuration
306 158 48.3% 13-Jun-95 20:50:44 Disk.info
517 242 53.1% 13-Jun-95 20:50:04 +EXAMPLE
58432 42973 26.4% 13-Jun-95 20:50:50 HD_Installer
1122 413 63.1% 13-Jun-95 20:50:50 HD_Installer.info
9227 3692 59.9% 13-Jun-95 20:50:50 instructions
1764 532 69.8% 13-Jun-95 20:50:52 Instructions.info
924 531 42.5% 13-Jun-95 20:50:20 +shareware
235 180 23.4% 13-Jun-95 20:50:20 +startup-sequence
498 258 48.1% 13-Jun-95 20:50:20 +take_heed
6424 6265 2.4% 13-Jun-95 20:50:58 View
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
313850 194177 38.1% 13-Jun-95 20:59:16 26 files
Contents of biz/misc/AmiCash.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 62 62 100.0% -lh0- 7ff6 Jun 13 1995 .info
[generic] 54085 87476 61.8% -lh5- 82d4 Jun 13 1995 AmiCash
[generic] 410 1122 36.5% -lh5- d971 Jun 13 1995 AmiCash.info
[generic] 3785 6752 56.1% -lh5- 5e1e Jun 13 1995 c/border
[generic] 46 52 88.5% -lh5- 520e Jun 13 1995 c/click
[generic] 120 128 93.8% -lh5- c1bf Jun 13 1995 c/cls
[generic] 94 112 83.9% -lh5- 83b6 Jun 13 1995 c/onlypal1
[generic] 7768 7960 97.6% -lh5- 11cd Jun 13 1995 c/view
[generic] 9686 20406 47.5% -lh5- dcf2 Jun 13 1995 Catherine/cash.iff
[generic] 2938 7430 39.5% -lh5- 4eba Jun 13 1995 Catherine/cash.question
[generic] 3929 10318 38.1% -lh5- 3c87 Jun 13 1995 Catherine/cash.title
[generic] 340 894 38.0% -lh5- 7978 Jun 13 1995 data/amicash.info
[generic] 54114 87516 61.8% -lh5- 4029 Jun 13 1995 data/amicash_hd
[generic] 418 1122 37.3% -lh5- 418a Jun 13 1995 data/amicash_hd.info
[generic] 1019 2819 36.1% -lh5- f2f9 Jun 13 1995 DEVS/MountList
[generic] 119 232 51.3% -lh5- 62b9 Jun 13 1995 DEVS/system-configuration
[generic] 158 306 51.6% -lh5- ee4a Jun 13 1995 Disk.info
[generic] 242 517 46.8% -lh5- b17c Jun 13 1995 Files/EXAMPLE
[generic] 42973 58432 73.5% -lh5- 3283 Jun 13 1995 HD_Installer
[generic] 413 1122 36.8% -lh5- 4b5f Jun 13 1995 HD_Installer.info
[generic] 3692 9227 40.0% -lh5- 3beb Jun 13 1995 instructions
[generic] 532 1764 30.2% -lh5- a941 Jun 13 1995 Instructions.info
[generic] 531 924 57.5% -lh5- 2a6f Jun 13 1995 s/shareware
[generic] 180 235 76.6% -lh5- afd0 Jun 13 1995 s/startup-sequence
[generic] 258 498 51.8% -lh5- 625d Jun 13 1995 s/take_heed
[generic] 6265 6424 97.5% -lh5- dc8b Jun 13 1995 View
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 26 files 194177 313850 61.9% Jun 16 1995
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