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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
ats-vist.lha mods/hardc 4346 758K 1999-02-22 generic icon 10chan DBM (Hardcore) by d-dYZER - (readme)
ats-heav.lha mods/hardc 4505 52K 1998-10-19 generic icon HARDCORE mod from AVENGER^ATS - (readme)
ATS-cOND.lha mods/hardc 4207 239K 1998-10-28 generic icon CONDITION -DOGGYDOC^ATS (OctaMEDv5) - (readme)
ats-brbr.lha mods/hardc 4279 112K 1998-10-25 generic icon BRAINbREAK from dOGGYdOC (protracker) - (readme)
apeman.lha mods/hardc 4620 113K 1996-06-17 generic icon Hardcore Tune By PUNNIK ! - (readme)
amu_Gabburger.lha mods/hardc 4204 127K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Amusic ***** - (readme)
ambient.lha mods/hardc 4317 56K 1998-05-21 generic icon Protracker module by Zarathustra (techno) - (readme)
Aluminium.lha mods/hardc 4306 637K 1997-04-13 generic icon Music-Module - (readme)
allsystmactvtd.lha mods/hardc 4249 604K 1997-01-30 generic icon H\'core House/Drum\'n\'Bass [Tomek/Quantum] - (readme)
aliensoe.lha mods/hardc 4431 426K 1998-05-21 generic icon Protracker module by Zarathustra (hardcore) - (readme)
alienlove.lha mods/hardc 4274 124K 1997-03-21 generic icon HorrorScenario-muzak - (readme)
af_Clav.lha mods/hardc 4358 169K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Acidfrog ****+ - (readme)
A-stop.lha mods/hardc 4702 107K 2003-09-05 generic icon Hardcore type of song - (readme)
A-pathofdarkne.lha mods/hardc 4939 367K 2003-09-05 generic icon Hardcore remix of a song by Volley - (readme)
A-paaarty.lha mods/hardc 4947 286K 2003-09-05 generic icon Hardcorejungle song - (readme)
A-oldgabba.lha mods/hardc 5103 275K 2003-09-05 generic icon Old style gabber song - (readme)
A-mothahug.lha mods/hardc 4933 270K 2003-09-05 generic icon Fast(240bpm) hardcore song - (readme)
A-I-ask-you.lha mods/hardc 5011 186K 2003-09-05 generic icon Some oldschoopl type of song - (readme)
A-fog.lha mods/hardc 5094 125K 2003-09-05 generic icon Some Hardtrance - (readme)
A-crowd.lha mods/hardc 4954 219K 2003-09-05 generic icon Quite a loud song - (readme)
5min.lha mods/hardc 5473 139K 1998-06-20 generic icon Hardcore Tekkno with Voice and Guitarsamples - (readme)
3P_1W.lha mods/hardc 5502 62K 1997-03-27 generic icon Rave by Mopz of NC.Gamez (4Ch) - (readme)
30.lha mods/hardc 5191 231K 1998-03-28 generic icon Birthdaycore by Bleeding Ears - (readme)
2_MalignancyIs.lha mods/hardc 4957 151K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Larva *** - (readme)
2_KissMeImAlai.lha mods/hardc 5135 83K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Logre - (readme)
2eVersnl.lha mods/hardc 5144 45K 1998-04-15 generic icon HardCore Modth By Punnik (Richard Hof) - (readme)
222ToTheMax.lha mods/hardc 5010 66K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Golden Spud ****+ - (readme)
200bpm.lha mods/hardc 5126 88K 1997-07-13 generic icon 200bpm by Midnight Flip - (readme)
1PointSc.lha mods/hardc 5162 224K 1996-04-13 generic icon HC/Industrial MOD by Raper. NIN inspired. - (readme)
Found 429 matching packages
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