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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
DJH_LITX.lha mods/hardc 506 132K 1998-09-06 generic icon Hotcakes\' first true OSS tune (FastTracker 2 release) - (readme)
DiseasedNoAnti.lha mods/hardc 480 130K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Phoen-x ****+ - (readme)
DirtyToTheCore.lha mods/hardc 1200 316K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Deux.ex **** - (readme)
Digrydoo.lha mods/hardc 1247 319K 1997-07-21 generic icon More faaast GABBER!!! - (readme)
devildream.lha mods/hardc 557 61K 1998-05-03 generic icon Dr.Avalanche`s \"The Devil`s Dream\" (PT) - (readme)
dem_Formfour.lha mods/hardc 447 94K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Demuc **** - (readme)
dem_Flatloop.lha mods/hardc 485 59K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Demuc ***** - (readme)
dem_Dryland.lha mods/hardc 507 60K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Demuc ***** - (readme)
dem_Clavifixat.lha mods/hardc 463 83K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Demuc ****+ - (readme)
Democomp.lha mods/hardc 517 84K 1994-08-07 generic icon Hardcore mod by Essex ***+ - (readme)
DeepSea.lha mods/hardc 752 234K 1997-02-18 generic icon Speedcore by Michel [Symphonie2.4f+] - (readme)
deepmaru.lha mods/hardc 602 139K 1998-05-21 generic icon Protracker module by Zarathustra (techno) - (readme)
Dead_Mouse.lha mods/hardc 516 59K 1997-06-16 generic icon This is some kind of hardcore tune... - (readme)
deadabo.lha mods/hardc 481 63K 1997-06-25 generic icon Hardcore-gag by Bleeding Ears - (readme)
Danoize2.lha mods/hardc 493 388K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Danoize **** - (readme)
Danoize.lha mods/hardc 495 224K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Danoize ****+ - (readme)
dance2tr.lha mods/hardc 477 140K 1998-05-21 generic icon Protracker module by Zarathustra (techno) - (readme)
Cybernet.lha mods/hardc 559 214K 1994-08-07 generic icon Hardcore mod by Echo **** - (readme)
CyberMix-RMX.lha mods/hardc 451 71K 1997-04-13 generic icon Music-Module - (readme)
crust2.lha mods/hardc 480 454K 1998-03-29 generic icon Grinding Crustcore by Bleeding Ears - (readme)
CortezGoes2Hel.lha mods/hardc 501 26K 1998-06-20 generic icon Krazy gabba toone by Minder / Whokers - (readme)
comeBreed.lha mods/hardc 470 79K 1999-04-27 generic icon A good gabber PT module by Breed - (readme)
cj_MLunatic.lha mods/hardc 932 208K 1998-04-21 generic icon Hardcore from Chris Jones / Lunatic - (readme)
Christmas.lha mods/hardc 684 65K 1996-09-06 generic icon \"Christmas rave\" - hardcore by Vox - (readme)
chillout.lha mods/hardc 512 310K 1998-05-21 generic icon Protracker module by Zarathustra (techno) - (readme)
Children.lha mods/hardc 487 303K 1996-09-16 generic icon Noisy Industrial MOD by Vortech - (readme)
Cherry.lha mods/hardc 521 154K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Kaakao ***** - (readme)
Chaos152.lha mods/hardc 599 65K 1997-03-12 generic icon Some hc module - (readme)
cb_Tremors.lha mods/hardc 495 307K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Pedro ****+ - (readme)
cb_TiMeWaRP.lha mods/hardc 4158 164K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Truxx ***** - (readme)
cb_DreamScapes.lha mods/hardc 4207 335K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Logos ****+ - (readme)
Cba_radio.lha mods/hardc 4273 82K 1998-06-21 generic icon Freaked Out- Fresh Radio Edit- by cBa - (readme)
Cba_fresh.lha mods/hardc 4189 339K 1998-06-20 generic icon 3 gabba octameds by cBa that were on Fresh fm 92.9 Australia - (readme)
Cba_darkside.lha mods/hardc 4154 190K 1998-06-21 generic icon 5.11 of gabba breakbeat hardcore by cba - (readme)
cba_acid.lha mods/hardc 4233 89K 1998-06-21 generic icon Freaked Out- gabba-acid house mix -cba- - (readme)
Cba-res.lha mods/hardc 4239 84K 1998-06-20 generic icon Rezurection 4.30of Gabba mayhem, by adelaide gabba legend cba - (readme)
Cba-loser.lha mods/hardc 4374 99K 1998-06-20 generic icon Compulsive Loser(The Art Of Gabba)cba Australia gabba legend - (readme)
Cba-hakk.lha mods/hardc 4408 95K 1998-06-20 generic icon Gabba mod by adelaide\'s gabba dominator, cBa. - (readme)
BugsInMyHe.lha mods/hardc 4318 398K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Necr **** - (readme)
breed_junk.lha mods/hardc 4255 121K 2001-01-25 generic icon A good acidcore DBM module by Breed - (readme)
brechb3.lha mods/hardc 4230 228K 1998-05-21 generic icon Protracker module by Zarathustra (techno) - (readme)
breakthenoise.lha mods/hardc 4228 879K 1997-01-30 generic icon Hardcore [Diesweed] - (readme)
Booom02.lha mods/hardc 4489 68K 1997-01-12 generic icon HARDCORE by BrOtHeR (#AmigaRus) - (readme)
Booom.lha mods/hardc 4290 94K 1996-10-03 generic icon RUSSIAN Hardcore mod. - (readme)
BlowYerSpeaker.lha mods/hardc 4205 86K 1997-07-21 generic icon The hardest gabber you ever heard!! - (readme)
bla_gabba-stud.lha mods/hardc 4220 184K 1999-11-01 generic icon Mix of gabba studies n 13 & n ?? by vox - (readme)
BlahBlahBlah.lha mods/hardc 4302 381K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Deus.ex **** - (readme)
BedlamcrazE.lha mods/hardc 4153 97K 1994-08-07 generic icon Hardcore mod ***+ - (readme)
Bassraceremixj.lha mods/hardc 4268 123K 1994-08-07 generic icon Hardcore mod by Juergen Brocke***+ - (readme)
back_BackTheFu.lha mods/hardc 4484 225K 1996-03-02 generic icon Hardcore mod by Hadji ***** - (readme)
Found 429 matching packages
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