Short:        Digital FIR filter design software
Author:       Grzegorz Kraszewski <>
Uploader:     Grzegorz Kraszewski <krashan teleinfo pb edu pl>
Type:         misc/sci
Version:      2.3
Requires:     util/libs/reggae-user.lha
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 1.4

The program purpose is to design digital finite impulse response filters. The
design is performed with well known windowing technique. The first step is to
design filter frequency response from 0 to fs / 2, where fs is the sampling
frequency. This is done graphically. Then designed response is sampled and
inverse discrete Fourier transform is performed. The result of the IDFT is then
windowed by one of available windows selected by user. In v 1.0 following
windows are available: rectangle window, triangle window, Blackman window and
Kaiser one (with adjustable beta coefficient in 2.0 - 20.0 range). This
windowed IDFT is just a set of filter taps multipliers. DigiFilter performs
then DFT to get the real filter frequency response (which differs from the
designed one) and displays it.

New in 2.3:
- Chebyshev window design method.
- Fixed a bug in one of custom classes causing troubles with running the
  program multiple times.

New in 2.2:
- Oscilloscope-like tracking cursor with attenuation and frequency readout.
- Added missing version string and MUI application dercription tags.

New in 2.1:
- Autoscaling graph grid.
- "Aiming" mousepointer when dragging frequency response nodes.