GBFC1.1.lha |
1.1 |
misc/emu |
863 |
7K |
1996-11-13 |
Write names of Gameboy .GB files to the Comment and more... - (readme) |
GBlist12.lha |
1.2 |
misc/emu |
890 |
7K |
1998-02-20 |
V1.2 BEST program to list .GB carts! - (readme) |
GBRipper.lha |
misc/emu |
981 |
62K |
1997-12-26 |
Game Boy GFX Ripper 0.3 by Balrog Soft - (readme) |
gbripper_src.lha |
0.3 |
misc/emu |
1351 |
4K |
2017-10-10 |
gbripper source code - (readme) |
gbuk.lha |
misc/emu |
1075 |
206K |
1997-02-11 |
Emulates a gameboy - (readme) |
gcmrt-os4.lha |
misc/emu |
1316 |
58K |
2008-02-06 |
Gamecube music ripping tools - (readme) |
generator_mos.lha |
0.35 |
misc/emu |
1610 |
320K |
2005-11-17 |
Sega Genesis/Megadrive Emulator - (readme) |
genesisplus.lha |
1.2 |
misc/emu |
1119 |
597K |
2005-03-30 |
Sega Genesis / Megadrive emulator - (readme) |
genplus_mos.lha |
2.2 |
misc/emu |
4406 |
1.4M |
2022-02-05 |
Sega Genesis and MasterSystem emulator - (readme) |
GMAP.lha |
1.2(March 2017) |
misc/emu |
2176 |
45M |
2017-03-16 |
Game Maker Amiga Player&Maldita Castilla - (readme) |
GNUboy-src.lha |
1.03 |
misc/emu |
1143 |
224K |
2006-07-10 |
Source code for GNUboy 1.03 - (readme) |
GNUboy.lha |
misc/emu |
1629 |
177K |
2004-05-05 |
A Gameboy Color emulator with a MUI gui. - (readme) |
GOldNEST.lha |
0.42 |
misc/emu |
1068 |
42K |
1999-01-10 |
NES-RomImage Editor (0.42) - (readme) |
GOldNEST_src.lha |
0.42 |
misc/emu |
1273 |
42K |
2017-03-20 |
GOldNEST source code - (readme) | |
051303 |
misc/emu |
878 |
354K |
2008-01-30 |
Genesis Plus - (readme) | |
051303 |
misc/emu |
828 |
264K |
2008-01-30 |
Genesis Plus (AROS port sources) - (readme) |
gpatchix.tgz |
3.0 |
misc/emu |
868 |
181K |
2002-09-23 |
Ix binaries of the GPatch package - (readme) |
GPK.lha |
misc/emu |
972 |
18K |
1996-09-02 |
GPK dearchiver for the HP OmniGo 100 - (readme) |
gplink-os4.lha |
1.5 |
misc/emu |
1018 |
345K |
2008-06-04 |
Connect your GP32 to your AmigaOne - (readme) |
ha3upgs1.lha |
misc/emu |
984 |
103K |
1997-02-19 |
100 more POKEs for Hack Attack III plus updater script and new ZXAM_RUN script - (readme) |
Handy.lha |
misc/emu |
1088 |
156K |
2000-05-13 |
Atari Lynx emulator for WarpUP, v1.05 (000512) - (readme) |
Handy095-OS4.lha |
2.4 |
misc/emu |
1292 |
229K |
2017-07-03 |
Atari Lynx emulator - (readme) |
Handy095.lha |
2.4 |
misc/emu |
5254 |
186K |
2017-07-03 |
Atari Lynx emulator - (readme) |
HandyPlusPlus.lha |
0.95b |
misc/emu |
3380 |
591K |
2007-04-29 |
Atari Lynx emulator - (readme) |
hatari-1.4.0-aros.lha |
1.4.0 |
misc/emu |
1045 |
3.0M |
2010-11-29 |
Emulator AtariST - (readme) |
hatari-1.5.lha |
1.5.0 |
misc/emu |
1118 |
1.6M |
2011-09-13 |
AtariST emulator - (readme) |
Hatari-MorphOS.lha |
0.95 |
misc/emu |
2514 |
756K |
2007-06-09 |
Atari ST emulator for MorphOS - (readme) |
hatari.lha |
0.90 |
misc/emu |
2016 |
1.5M |
2006-09-14 |
Atari ST and STE emulator. - (readme) |
hatari_a68k.lha |
1.31 |
misc/emu |
3606 |
1.8M |
2009-10-19 |
Atari ST and STE emulator for a68k - (readme) |
Hercules.lha |
3.12 |
misc/emu |
945 |
5.2M |
2016-08-13 |
The S/370, ESA/390 and z/Arch Emulator - (readme) |
Hi65.lha |
6 |
misc/emu |
1060 |
2.2M |
2015-11-14 |
High-level Commodore 65 emulator - (readme) |
HPAmigaManager.lha |
misc/emu |
891 |
91K |
1996-08-26 |
V1.0d. HP48 Picture manager. No AGA support - (readme) |
hpasm3.10e.lha |
misc/emu |
886 |
49K |
1994-10-13 |
Saturn Assembler (HP48) - Needs WB2.04+ - V3.10 - (readme) |
hugo_mos.lha |
1.6b |
misc/emu |
2103 |
790K |
2020-04-05 |
PC-Engine / TurboGrafx 16 emulator - (readme) |
ibem120.lzh |
misc/emu |
1273 |
44K |
1992-08-15 |
New version of the software IBM emulator - (readme) |
ibem_patch.lzh |
misc/emu |
667 |
60K |
2020-10-13 |
Update IBeM PC emulator to 1.20 - (readme) |
ibm1130.lha |
3.8-0 |
misc/emu |
1003 |
5.3M |
2015-02-24 |
IBM 1130 simulator, SIMH-based - (readme) |
IBMConv.lha |
2.4 |
misc/emu |
997 |
51K |
1998-04-04 |
GUI program to convert IBM/PC Text files. - (readme) |
IDEfxCD32G.lha |
1.02 |
misc/emu |
1979 |
41K |
1997-12-29 |
IDEfix-CD32-Emulator-Support-Guide - (readme) |
Idle.lha |
0.10 |
misc/emu |
1093 |
609K |
2014-09-12 |
Incomplete Draft of a Lisa Emulator - (readme) |
iecutil.lha |
Second version |
misc/emu |
1024 |
37K |
1997-09-01 |
Display 15x1 dir.; Create 1541 image - (readme) |
ifusion_update.lha |
misc/emu |
1035 |
384K |
2003-04-03 |
IFusion Patch 1.3.0 - (readme) |
img2dsk-aos4.lha |
misc/emu |
1117 |
25K |
2006-04-27 |
IMG to DSK MSX disk image converter - (readme) |
img2dsk-mos.lha |
misc/emu |
1161 |
5K |
2005-06-10 |
IMG to DSK MSX disk image converter - (readme) |
jabba_aos4.lha |
1.0 |
misc/emu |
1069 |
5K |
2006-09-21 |
Expand snes ROM's. - (readme) |
janus-uae-src.tar.gz |
1.2 |
misc/emu |
1315 |
1.4M |
2012-06-05 |
Janus-UAE Sources - (readme) |
janus-uae.i386.tar.gz |
1.2 |
misc/emu |
1929 |
21M |
2012-06-05 |
Janus-UAE - (readme) |
JanusTools.lha |
misc/emu |
1800 |
43K |
1994-07-05 |
Replaces some tools of the janus pc bridgeboard software - (readme) | |
1.1 |
misc/emu |
634 |
9.7M |
2019-01-08 |
intellivision emulator for classic amiga - (readme) |
jzIntv.lha |
1.0-beta4 |
misc/emu |
1515 |
2.1M |
2014-02-06 |
Intellivision Emulator + SDK - (readme) |