Short:        UAE4All port to MorphOS (Balrog Soft)
Author: (Pedro Gil)
Uploader:     balrogsoft gmail com (Pedro Gil)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      0.32 rc3
Architecture: ppc-morphos
Distribution: Aminet

UAE4ALL release candidate 3 by Chui
MorphOS Port by Pedro Gil Guirado (Balrog Software)

Changes in this version:

Sound sync problem fixed.
Bug fixed loading adf disks outside program directory.
MUI gui is opened before initialize emulation.
Fixed several problems in MUI gui.
Added vertical screen position in MUI gui.
Added a message requester when kick.rom file isn't found.
Added english and spanish locale catalogs.


A kickstart file is need with the name "kick.rom" 

Use F11 to open gui during emulation.
Use F12 to enable/disable emulation status bar.
Use PageUp for SuperThrottle mode.

Please send any bug or suggestion to:

balrogsoft at