Short:        Spectrum TAP to MB HDD Converter
Author:       Dusan Gallo, Morphos port by Fabrizio "Lanch" Bartoloni
Uploader:     lanch tiscali it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      0.0b
Architecture: ppc-morphos


*                                TAP2MBD 2                                     *


* Description:                                                                 *

*     Modified version of TAP2MBD (version 1.2 stable, by Ing. Marek Zima)     *


* Version: 0.0 beta                                                            *


* Developer:                                                                   *

*     Dusan Gallo,                                           *


* License:                                                                     *

*     GNU License                                                              *


* Building:                                                                    *

*     g++ -o tap2mbd tap2mbd.cpp                                               *



*                                TAP2MBD                                       *


* Description:                                                                 *

*     Transform data from ZX Spectrum TAP file to new or existing MB-02 image  *

*     file.                                                                    *


* Version: 1.2 stable                                                          *


* Developer:                                                                   *

*     Ing. Marek Zima, Slovak Republic, or  *

* Bugfixer:                                                                    *

*     Lubomir Blaha,                                        *


* License:                                                                     *

*     GNU License                                                              *
