Short:        Show dir. of a '.D64' image via emulator
Author: (Willi Kusche)
Uploader:     willik bellatlantic net (Willi Kusche)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      Second release
Replaces:     "D64EDirr.lha"
Requires:     AmigaOS 2.04+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

    "D64EDir" displays the directory of a '.D64' diskette image file.  The
display screen emulates the display on the screen of a monitor connected to a
real Commodore 64 when the directory of a diskette is listed.

    Pascal source is provided.

    I would appreciate receiving Email concerning your reaction to the contents
of this archive.  I have plans to substantially enhance this program but if
I do not receive feedback from this release, I won't bother releasing any
future versions to Aminet.

    This version incorporates a small change to the documentation file.