Short:        Create Amstrad Plus UniDOS cartridges
Author: (Philippe Rimauro)
Uploader:     offset cpcscene net (Philippe Rimauro)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      1.1
Requires:     AmiSSL v4
Architecture: ppc-morphos

A small tool to create custom Amstrad Plus cartridges with UniDOS installed.
Can also be used to install additional tool ROMs (such as Protext, Utopia,
Maxam...). Up to 30 ROMs can be programmed in the cartridge.

Might be useful for users owning a C4CPC with an Albireo (or a X-Mass)
but with no ROM board to install UniDOS ROMs.

Use the menu to automatically download the latest UniDOS ROMs.

More information about UniDOS: