Short:        GUI for AmigaVGB, DarkNESs, MasterGear, Wzonka-Lad
Author: (Rodney Norton)
Uploader:     rodneyn aic net au (Rodney Norton)
Type:         misc/emu
Version:      0.18
Replaces:     Misc/Emu/SwitchBoard.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


SwitchBoard is a GUI front end for currently 4 emulators.  It supports
AmigavGB, DarkNESs, MasterGear and Wzonka-Lad allowing you to easily choose
roms for them and launch each of them from a comfortable GUI.

Its freeware/cardware so is not expensive etc.  Look at the docs for more
information regarding this fine example of programming.  =)

New in this version is a prefs editor and many bug fixes.

History : (Shortened - from memory !)

Most recent changes:  V0.18

. Many Bug fixes.

. Locale support.

  . English & German Catalogs.

. Dont remeber anything else....  =)

. This is probably the last version.  I cant see more needing to be added,
and since I did not receive one single Postcard I figured I'd do something

© Rodney Norton / Cougar Developments. 1997