Short:        Text conversion utility between platforms.
Uploader:     Drago Fiser uni-mb si
Type:         util/conv
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

What is ASCIIConvert?
it is simple CLI only utility to convery various CR and LF combinations to
others combination. Most usefull for converting PC ascii files to
Amiga ascii files. Also you can use it if you download text file as binary
via ftp. It was first written for VAX/VMS but since it is in ansi C it
compiled on amiga without any trouble.

Why should I use this instead of CrossDos Commodity provided with my workbench?
You shouldn't. If the only conversion you do is while copying from ms-dos
disks then this is unusefull to you. But it happened to me that many times
I brought home PC disks and got ascii and binary files on them and didnt
know which is which. So I had to check first which files are in text format
and then copy them to my HD.

How does author use this?
I use it in DirWork as a button! if i pass by a text file which I would like
to convert, I only select it and press that button. Simple and efficient.

Whats the usage?
Usage: ASCIIConv <option> <infile> [outfile]
Where option is one of: CRSKIP, CR2LF, CR2CRLF, CR2LFCR, CRLF2CR, CRLF2LF,
                        LFSKIP, LF2CR, LF2CRLF, LF2LFCR, LFCR2CR, LFCR2LF.

I think its selfexplaining enough.

How do I contact the author?
Use E-mail:
or if you want to send me a postcard, write to:

Drago Fiser
Plecnikova 5
62000 Maribor