Short:        Action game
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This game was inspired by the need for an affordable Amiga action game!
Warning: This game is action-packed!

This is the Usenet-distibuted version of GalacticPredator (9/14).  This
program is Shareware, and all of the files must be kept together in
Predator.lzh if you give it to anyone else (please do!).  We would like to
recieve some sort of compensation for our work.  We aren't asking for much,
just a few dollars would be great!  If you don't like the game, you don't
need to send money.  Also, if you have any ideas you feel like sharing,
write to us!  Send money and ideas to:

Aidan Palmer
5549 South Dorchester
Chicago, Illinois 60637