Short:        Fast paced 2D arcade tank game
Author:       Chris Kite / ToAks
Uploader:     tony aksnes broadpark no (Tony Aksnes)
Type:         game/shoot
Version:      0.44
Requires:     OS4 Pre 3 or better
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.3

Tank Command is a fast paced 2D arcade game in which the player must
destroy all of the enemy units. A balance between careful strategy
and shoot-em-up action, this game is a fun and exciting way to pass
some spare time.


Up Arrow: Move forward
Right Arrow: Turn right
Down Arrow: Move backwards
Left Arrow: Turn left
Space: Fire
P: Pause
S: Save a screenshot to "out.bmp"


Your tank moves faster when it's going forward than backwards. If
your tank is on the road, it will move faster than on the grass.
Enemy tanks take 3 hits to kill, jeeps take 1. You have unlimited
ammo. You can ram enemies to kill them, but you will also take some
damage. You score no points if you ram an enemy.



Chris Kite - Programmer and Project Admin <>
Andrew Van Osselaer - Graphic Artist