Short:        Amiga port of PrBoom (DOOM)
Author:       NovaCoder
Uploader:     novacoder yahoo co uk
Type:         game/shoot
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0
Distribution: Aminet
Kurz:         Amiga Portierung von PrBoom (DOOM)


Amiga 68k port based on PrBoom v2.5.0.

PrBoom, originally short for "Proff Boom", is a source port for Windows,
Linux/POSIX, AmigaOS 3, AmigaOS 4, OpenVMS and Mac OS X based 
initially on Boom, but later merged with LxDoom and LsdlDoom. 
As a result of this merger, PrBoom is compatible with both
Boom and MBF. It includes enhancements over the engines it is based on,
such as being able to handle levels with twice as many segs,
vertices and sidedefs than usual.
In addition to the code from its predecessors, it incorporates bits of code
from the Eternity Engine, and PrBoom+.


1) An RTG Amiga.
2) 68060 processor.
3) 32 MB of FAST RAM.
4) AHI installed and configured (see links section below).
5) Music packs for digital music playback (see links section below).
6) CAMD library installed and configured for native MIDI playback (see links
   section below).
7) The original games (or demos).

Configuration Options:

When running from the Shell you must specify a stack of at least 300,000.
The AHI device used will be the one setup in your AHI Prefs (unit 0).
Please see the PrBoom documentation for command line options, most of
these can be set via Tooltypes.
The tooltype 'closewb' can be used to close the Workbench (at least 3.1 ROMS
Digital music files will take priority over MIDI playback.


1) No network or multi-player support.
2) No Joystick support because 2 button DOOM is boring.

Version History: - Initial release. - Updated window mode and input capture handling. - Removed hard coded music directory location.

Performance Considerations:

1) If you have a Blizzard you should really be using BlizKick, Apollo users
   should be using RemApollo.
2) Fast File System is actually really slow, use PFS3 instead.
3) Playing OGG compressed music on a real Amiga will be very slow, try using
   WAV files instead.
4) Use v4.18 of AHI as the later versions are too slow on real hardware.
5) If you are using Paula stick with the 'FAST' 8 bit Mono/Stereo++ modes
   (AHI prefs).
6) A 16 bit sound card *might* be faster with a 16 bit mode (AHI prefs).
7) If you're still having performance problems, make sure you are using the
   latest/patched WAD files (see links section).
8) Running in a window with an 8 bit screen mode will be slower.

Links: (BOOM thread on EAB) (PrBoom offical page) (DOOM WAD versions) (AHI Audio system) (AHI setup guide) (Commodore Amiga MIDI driver) (Roland SC-55 based OGG music packs) (DOOM port) (DOOM port) (DOOM port) (DOOM port)

Thanks and acknowledgements:

The PrBoom developers.