Short:        Simple tool for NEC SCSI-I CD-ROM's
Uploader:     Ola_Lidholm augs se
Type:         disk/cdrom
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

NecCDTool v1.2 is a simple utility to control NEC SCSI-I CD-ROM's.

Some of the NEC CD-ROM's have a SCSI-I interface, as opposed to most
other manufaturers, which have a SCSI-II interface. Therefore most
(all?) CD-ROM utilities are written to use SCSI-II commands, and has
no or strange effects on these NEC's drives.

The program can do the following;

-Eject the disk from the drive.
-Lock & Unlock the drive.
-Start & Stop playing music tracks.
-List Contents of Audio CD's

Note: This program _ONLY_ works with NEC SCSI-I CD-ROM's!

Changes since version 1.1
   Added a command that lists the contents of a auidio CD
   (# of tracks, track lengths)

Changes since version 1.0
   Fixed bug that made it impossible to play tracks other than the first 9.
   (Thanks David Voy for pointing it out to me)