Short:        The best CDROM Navigator... I think so :)
Uploader:     KENSHIRO
Type:         util/disk
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  Since CDROM players have been very diffused also in Amiga Comunity, lots of
  productors have released a lot of Amiga compilations, with the best of FreeWare,
  and ShareWare (principally from Aminet)

  CDVoyager is a program that allows you to handle big directory of archive, in a
  very simply way. Infact this type of compilations, have a file with the LHA (or
  LZH, DMS, ecc...) suffix, and the same file but with the a different suffix, that
  indicate a little description of archive (generally .README)
  When you select an archive file, automatically, CDVoyager, shows the contents of
  description file, so you get information about an archive with a simply click of
  mouse button.

  There are other programs that do this (for example the useful AmiNavi@ by
  Jhon Corigliano, or PowerNavigator by Giuseppe Ligorio) but CDVoyager has
  borned because, AmiNavi, for example don't recognize .REA or .RDM such as a
  description file extension (the introduction of this extension has borned to allow
  AmigaUsers without CDROM Player, to use CDROMs on a friend's Bill's Machines :)

         Features of CDVoyager

   * DirectoryOpus Style 
   * Autoview of the description file
   * A Fast Search option of files whit history of the lasts used patterns

   * Easy Configuration of buttons

   * 50K+ of executable

   * System Friendly 

   * Fully Supported LHA, LZH, DMS, ARC, ZIP, ARJ
