Short:        KONEY: FATAL DEFRAG Hardcore Music intro
Author: (KONEY)
Uploader:     koney koney org net (KONEY)
Type:         demo/sound
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 1.3.3
Distribution: Aminet

Welcome to my first Amiga Music intro ever:
FATAL DEFRAG - Industrial Hardcore @ 210 BPM
Released Oct 2020
Code+Music+Gfx by KONEY
Music composed in 1997 with OctaMED SoundStudio,
published by Zero Muzic Records ZMH 08-7LTD in 1998
Requires any OCS/ECS Amiga with 512kb minimum
Compiled with VASM 1.8d
Tested on A500, A1000, A3000, A1200, A600+Vampire2
Provided are executable file and self booting .ADF file
Run from shell, quit with RMB