Short: RNO&Homies: "Go Stockholm&Helsinki" [slideshow] Author: (RNO) Uploader: kure sunpoint net (Kure/RNO) Type: demo/slide Architecture: m68k-amigaos _________ ________ tR!___\ /._____/ /___________-T! / _/_____| // / __ \. =/______\=====\______\------\_____________|= -%[ rave network overscan ]%- RNO & Homies: ¯¯¯ ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ "Go Stockholm & Helsinki" [Remedy'2000 + Alternative2 slideshow] @ 29.8.2000 (no-party release) - ---÷%[credits]%÷---- - code - shape/dcs music - kure graphics - man/fit photos - kure the hooligan/dcs weirdo/network claustro/creamass pc leia/squirrelz setok/? (alt2 organizer) - ---÷%[contact]%÷--- - shape ÷ kure ÷ man ÷ rno ÷ www ÷ - ---÷%[instructions]%÷--- - picture will change in 20 seconds, but if you want to change it sooner, press RMB. LMB quits. - ---÷%[party greetings]%÷--- - dual crew&shining · fit · haujobb · network · spedes · squirrelz - ---÷%[blah blah]%÷--- - lots of thanks to shape for coding this also lots of thanks to man for the graphics even more thanks to those who took&scanned pictures hello to all the nice people we've met at parties this summer - ---÷%[requirements]%÷--- - a plain a1200 might be enough (not tested though) _ {¾} ¬