Short:        One by Nature, #1 64k at Underscore'03
Author: (Nature)
Uploader:     pezac c64 org (Pezac/Nature)
Type:         demo/intro
Requires:     AGA, 020+, FPU, 8MB fastmem
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

              · ._____ ._____.______.__ __._____._____  ·
              : |:·   \|  ·  |_    _)  |·:|:·.  \  ___) :
              ¦ |  ¡   )  ¡  | |  | |  |  |     /  _)_  ¦
              | |  |__/|:.|__| |:.| |  !  |  |__)__ .:| |
              | `--'   `--'    `--' `-----'--'     `--' |
              `-- presents -----------------------------'
              ¡              "  O  n  e  "              ¡
                  winner 64k intro at Underscore 2003

| Requirements

Hardware requirements: AGA, 020+, FPU, 8 MB fastmem
 - Only viewable on 060 though, too much muls and fpu code :)
 - Run SetPatch before starting the intro on 040/060

| Info

Use OxyPatcher or similar program for some speedup!

Tested on:
 - A1200/060
 - A1200/040
 - A4000/060

If the intro runs super slow (like 1 fps) and you have a PCMCIA card
inserted, try removing the card and run the intro again.

If the normal executable fails, try running the uncrunched one. The normal
one is crunched with our own NatCracker so we must take precautions =)

| Credits

Yomat:     Spline-code
           Triangle filler
           Complex mathfunctions
           C2P (Chunky to planar)

Pezac:     Raycaster
           Intro system
           Technical design

Pipe:      Texture packer
           Executable cruncher

C-Frog:    Music

Malmis:    Textures
           Technical design

Rex:       3d modelling
           Scene design

| Special thanks to

 Scicco/Scarab, for being an absolute friend met through the scene and
  for him always being helpful and friendly!

 Psycho/Loonies, for letting us use his optimized c2p in the developing
  system for ham8 effects.