Short:        The winner intro at Euskal Party III
Author:       Kustom / Capsule
Uploader:     calamo ctv es (Carlos Del Alamo, Estrayk / Capsule)
Type:         demo/intro
Requires:     Any AGA-AMIGA with at least 1MB of Fast.
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This intro is Public Domain and may freely be spread around
the globe. This file must be spread along with the intro.

Capsule can NOT be held responsible for any damage
caused to your system when executing the intro.

This is the winner 64k-intro from Euskal Party III (Sep. 1995)

        - Tested on:
        A1200 2MB Fast
        A1200 4Mb Fast (Blizzard 1230/50 IV)
        A1200 8mb Fast (Blizzard 1260/50)
        A4000/030 4Mb Fast

Installation:   Unpack the lha-archive into your intros drawer and
                click on the icon.

                                                      Estrayk / Capsule