Short:        Official release of DELTA the demo 2nd at Assembly'98
Author:       Embassy
Uploader:     apjhamal cc helsinki fi (Antti Hämäläinen)
Type:         demo/aga
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Requires fpu and lot's of Mhz, about 8mb of fast

SUPPORTS CGX ie. cybergraphics, 320x240x8bit screenmode.

                               EMBASSY presents 

                         DELtA the official release
                         with the bugfixes required

                    originally released  at Assembly'98

1> execute setpatch.
2> execute CGX monitor.
3> assign ASM98: to the directory where you decrunched the demo.

This demo was tested with following setups:

 - a1200 mc68060 16mb fast (AGA) ks3.0
 - a4000 mc68060^ppc604e/233 72mb fast (CGX) with cvPPC graphicscard and AGA
   mapped ks3.1

Demo requires about 8mb of fast and 1.7 mb of chip.

The version that the Asm98 organizers spreaded wasn't ready and contained
some bugs, the bug that prevented it from working on 020/030 machines with
fpu is now fixed.

 credits : are included in the demo
~~~~~~~~ : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

       demo requires mc680x0 processor lot's of Mhz's, fpu, aga/cgx
                about 8MB of fastmemory and HD space.

             demo supports cgx compliant graphicscards (320x240/8bit)

              contact :
