Short:        Edit PageStream3 articles with CygnusEd
Author:       Klaus Melchior <>
Uploader:     Klaus Melchior <kmel eifel tng oche de>
Type:         text/dtp
Version:      1.2
Replaces:     text/dtp/SendToCED1_1.lha
Architecture: generic

Edit text objects of PageStream3 with your favourite text editor:
CygnusEd Professional

Copy 'SendToCygnusED.rexx' to 'PageStream3:Macros/'.

Change the preferences entry "Settings/Editors.../Text editor script"
to 'Macros/SendToCygnusED.rexx'.

At first time you want to edit text, you are asked to locate the
"Invoker of CygnusEd", normally it's 'c:Ed'. A prefs file is
generated: 'PageStream3:SendToCygnusEd.prefs'.

Changes since 1.1:

- adapted to SendToPageliner v1.2