Short: CarModel(AGA) by Altinac, Greece Author: (George Altinakis) Uploader: dalop egnatia ee auth gr (George Altinakis) Type: pix/vehic Architecture: generic Thank you for downloading this archive! It consists of one genuine car model designed by me (see above) with the use of Deluxe Paint V. It uses the AGA graphics mode and has a palette of 256 colours. This car model took about 3 to 4 hours to finish (wireframe and shading)! Watch out for more car models uploads by me. (ONLY for the amazing AMIGA Community!) WARNING: Nobody is supposed to alter in any way the original picture or use the names: Altus (My Company), ALTINAC (me). Instead it may be freely distributed (Also in Aminet) .. Finally I have one final word to say...: AMIGA MAKES ME HAPPIER THAN YOUR PC !! Some infos about me (Altinac): ******************************************************************* I am a student in Greece (now Hellas) and I am studing mechanic engineering. Although there are no car designing lessons in my school, my love of designing new cars made me to learn designing cars on my own. Now after about 4 years of designing cars in every single paper and in my trustful Amiga 1200, I decide to publish these Amiga pictures on the NET..... Also I will upload several music modules I made in my spare time (all car & module archives will be starting with prefix Altus*. in order to be easily accessed. I hope you like them !! ******************************************************************* GREEK MESSAGE: Οποιος θέλει να επικοινωνήσει μαζί μου, δεν έχει παρά να στείλει ένα Mail στην παραπάνω διεύθυνση. Οσοι έχουν IRC Nickname ας το γράψουν και αυτό.! Φιλιά σε όλη την Ελλάδα !!!!!!!!!! (Thanks again)!