Short:        Sureal garden
Uploader:     tfenzl edison nmhu edu
Type:         pix/misc
Architecture: generic

This is my first upload to the internet.  surrealisticgarden was done in 
September of 1995.  The hardware used is an Amiga 2000 with the 
GVP 40Mhz 030 combo, 12M of RAM, and an EGS 110/24 video 
card.  The software used is Imagine 3.0, Vista Pro, EGS-Paint, Image 
F/X-EGS, and Essence textures.

I don't know how long it took to render because I started it rendering 
before I went to bed and it was done when I woke up.  So... less than 
8 hours.  I scanned a grass texture using a friend's scanner and ADPro.
The ground then looked kinda like grass but I didn't like it.  Since my 
plants looked kinda weird I thought the ground should look as weird.  
This ground looks much better than a grassy ground.

Hope you like it as it is my first pic.

Drop me a note and let me know what you think.

                        Philip Cross