Short:        Pictures of electron distribution in PNG format
Author: (Martin Hohl)
Uploader:     mh ceres stuttgart netsurf de (Martin Hohl)
Type:         pix/misc
Architecture: generic
Kurz:         Bilder der Elektronenverteilung (Kugelfunktionen)

Requires: viewer for PNG images (e.g. SuperView or any viewer
          for PNG datatype under OS 3.0)

version:  01-96

These images were calculated on an A2000 with 68030/68882 CPU
running at 40 MHz. Eventually I'll release the program later
this year (after my examinations in May). The user interface
is IMHO a bit too primitive at the moment (just scanf's), so
don't ask me, I'm not willing to give it out in the current

References: K.H. Hellwege: Einfuehrung in die Physik der Atome,
            4. Aufl. 1974
            (it's a german book about physics of atoms and

            H.Haken/H.C.Wolf: Physics of Atoms and Quanta
            or the original german issue of the same book:
            H.Haken/H.C.Wolf: Atom und Quantenphysik
            5. Aufl. 1993