Short:        Pictures from the Visible Human Project
Uploader:     cg amiga oth uni-siegen de (Christoph Guelicher)
Type:         pix/misc
Architecture: generic

The current effort under the Visible Human Project is the acquisition
of transverse CT, MRI and cryosection images of a representative male
and female cadaver at an average of one millimeter intervals.  The
corresponding transverse sections in each of the three modalities are
to be registered with one another.  A contract for acquisition of
these pixel-based data was awarded in August 1991 to the University
of Colorado at Denver.  Victor M. Spitzer, Ph.D. and David G.
Whitlock, M.D., Ph.D. are the principal investigators.  The Visible
Human data set will comprise approximately 42 gigabytes of pixel data
(uncompressed), which would correspond to about 70 CD-ROMs.  The
digital cross-sectional images would most likely be made available
via the Internet.

The image database is publicly available November 1, 1994.  It consists of
1,878 CT scans, all 1mm thick and on 1mm centers and congruent photographs
of the same slices.  These photographs were obtained by sectioning the body at
1mm increments and capturing a 2048 x 1216 digital image in 24-bit color at
every level.  These images have been registered and therefore, can be restacked
to define the human body at every location in space with 1mm voxels.  The
voxels have attributes of red, green and blue color in addition to the electron
density provided by the CT images.

I found the  WWW-server of the Visible Human Project very interesting
but also crowded. So I decided to upload the stuff I received from there
to aminet, to give scientifically ;-) interested people without
international ftp/www access the opportunity to watch that stuff.

  // Christoph Guelicher, Dohlenweg 4, D-57078 Siegen
\X/  Universitaet Siegen, FTS, D-57068 Siegen