Short:        Pic from M Thompson's Fred Floaty anim
Type:         pix/trace
Architecture: generic

Store.jpg is a still from my recently released 2 minute film "One Stormy
Night with Fred Floaty". It was created entirely in LightWave 2.0 with the
aid of Cinemorph, Morphplus, Pixel 3D, ADPro, and Deluxe Paint.  It took
nearly 6 months to create and involved a solid 4 months of continuous
rendering. It is a short tale of a pool floatational toy, Fred, who
resides in the display window of a travel agent. The story opens on a
rainy evening and Fred dreams of being somewhere more pleasant.  The
original motivation for the film was to show off some of the latest
effects I had developed using LightWave which included a spectacular
animated simulation of rain and a pretty darn good pool (IMHO). The
finished film consumed 2.5 GB of storage and required an average of 1 hour
per frame to render (some took up to 2 hours and 40 min.)

The film took first place in the Amiga World animation contest and is
available from Amiga World on their 3rd animation video "Amigamations".
%      `       '        Mark Thompson                 CONCURRENT COMPUTER  %
% --==* RADIANT *==--        Principal Graphics   %
%      ' Image `        ...!uunet!masscomp!mark       Hardware Architect   %
%     Productions       (508)392-2480 (603)424-1829   & General Nuisance   %
%                                                                          %