Short:        FantaSeas - 2 Photo CD set - 300 pics
Author:       Amiga Library Services
Uploader:     fnf amigalib com
Type:         pix/misc
Architecture: generic

FantaSeas is a Portfolio Photo CD containing almost 300 high quality
underwater photographs.  This two CD-set contains reef shots teaming with
brilliantly colored fish, macro shots of various anemones, detailed shots of
World War II wrecks, plus much more!

The accompanying sample set of images is a montage of 192x128 24-bit color
"thumbnail" images, each of which contains 72Kb of picture information.
The full images on FantaSeas each contain 18Mb of picture information, so
you can imagine the incredible detail available in each photo.

Photo sites encompass the world, ranging from the walls of Grand Cayman to
the Blue Corner of Palau and from Truk Lagoon, Micronesia to Mexico's Sea of
Cortez.  As a bonus, FantaSeas includes Kodak software to play Portfolio
Photo CDs on Microsoft Windows and MacIntosh systems.

Each photograph is available in the five standard Photo CD Image Pac
resolutions of 192 x 128 to 3072 x 2048.  FantaSeas requires a Photo CD
compatible CD-ROM system.  High resolution graphics support (more than 256
colors) is highly recommended.

FantaSeas is Copyright © 1995 by Amiga Library Services, All Rights
Reserved.  Each individual photograph is Copyright © of the photographer.
Photographs from FantaSeas can be reproduced royalty free in printed form up
to 5000 copies and reasonable usage fees are available for higher levels of
replication, making FantaSeas an excellent source for stock underwater

FantaSeas retails for $49.95.

-Fred Fish (

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