Short: (v6.1) OS3 Fantasy, etc. Hi-res mouse ptrs Author: (Russ "Argel" LeBar) Uploader: c621412 showme missouri edu (Russ "Argel" LeBar) Type: pix/icon Architecture: generic ----<<<{{{[[[ ARGEL POINTERS 6.1 ]]]}}}>>>----- (short aminet readme version) >>> INTRODUCTION / NOTES <<< ECS users must be using the new OS3 monitors (e.g. DBLNTSC) to use these pointers (I think)!!! >>> A LOT HAS CHANGED!!! <<< Well, the names have, and there's five new ones this time around. The biggest change is that the old Paladin is now an Anti-Paladin and I have a new and MUCH BETTER one now. There are also some females this time around! :-) (* = new) (* after a name means it's name was changed) (a letter after a number (e.g. 00a) means there are two color schemes) >>> FANTASY HERO POINTERS <<< o PRIEST o CLERIC - hotspot is top left diagonal part of hood. o ROGUE o BARD - hotspot is top left diagonal part of hood. o HANDLER* (Kender) - hotspot is top left part of hoopak(sp?) * THIEF - hotspot is upper dagger. Watch your back! :-) o WARRIOR * AMAZON * 00a - (red vixen :) * 00b - (blonde) o FIGHTER o 00 - (generic) o 01 - (generic) o NINJA* * PALADIN - hotspot is the top left of the cross. o RANGER o WIZARD o MAGE o 00 - hotspot is near the top left of the magic missile. * 01 - hotspot is top-left of the staff >>> FANTASY MONSTER POINTERS <<< o Anti-Paladin* - was the original paladin which I never liked o Giant Centipede - hotspot is top right tail * Hag * 00a - hotspot is top of staff * 00b - "undead" color scheme >>> SCI-FI POINTERS <<< o SWAT (lightly armed assualt warriors) o Shock (moderate armor & armed with plasma cannons) >>> CHRISTIAN POINTERS <<< o CROSS (Jesus on the cross with Mother Mary and lightning in BG) o 00 - Original colors, hotspot left part of horizontal beam o 01 - same as 00 except better(?) color scheme >>> OTHER POINTERS <<< o Hourglass (busy) - hotspot is the absolute top left. o Paladin 00a - the original one. o Paladin 00b - the original using the Paladin (New) color scheme o Paladin 01 - Better color scheme. Taken from a picture I painted (on my web page in the gallery). >>> THE AUTHOR <<< /---Russ-LeBar-------+------ ---------S()---------\ | // Dare to Dream | Creator of Argel Ptrs & Term toolstrip imagery | | \X/ A M I G A | A1200-6MB-14Mhz881-426HD -- Term beta tester | |WWW: - Kathy Troccoli, artwork, etc.| |FTP: in pub/amiga - (Term betas, ArgelPtrs..)| \------S()--Argel----------- Opinions are mine & thus CORRECT =) ------/