PGPgoesMUI 2.0
A MUI based GUI for PGP(tm) . Needs MUI v3.x!
20.01.1997 V1.0 First version developed.
20.01.1997 V1.1 Fixed a problem with building the ID list. There
was a testpath left. Fixed.
25.01.1997 V1.2 Added 'About MUI' to project menu.
Catalog version needed : V1.02.
27.01.1997 V1.3 Some translation was missing. Fixed.
Added spanish catalog.
New installerscript added.
Catalog version needed : V1.03.
31.01.1997 V1.4 Now really working under WBench 2.1.
Catalog version needed : V1.04.
18.02.1997 V1.5 UserId's are now sorted in alphabetical
Added ShowID to prefs page.
UserId's can be shown by adress, name & adress or
adress & name.
The key actions are not used very often, so they
went to the bottom of the main window.
Added italian catalog and guide.
Catalog version needed : V1.05.
20.02.1997 V1.6 User with no mail adress are no longer hidden by the
ChooseID window.
26.02.1997 V1.7 Added settings part from main window to settings window.
Catalog version needed : V1.07.
05.03.1997 V1.8 Removed an Enforcerhit.
Reworked multilist handling.
29.09.1997 V2.0 80% source code rewritten.
Removed several bugs.
Using new GUI.
Catalog version needed : V2.0.