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Short:Warp3 FullFontsEuro-Set6a (Postsc)
Author: warp3 at
Uploader:warp3 caramail com
Version:2008 (released)
Download:text/pfont/ - View contents


* Six polices complètes & originales.
* Inclus: signe "Euro" (€) à l'emplacement du signe "monnaie" (¤) (ASCII 164).
* Version PostScript type 1
* Voir (dans pix/illu/) : Warp3Fonts6a.png pour un aperçu des polices !
* Lire la documentation (en english !) liée aux polices pour plus d'infos.
	Passez un bon moment !


* Six freeware, complete and original fonts.
* Included: euro symbol (€) at currency (¤) (ASCII 164) location.
* PostScript type 1
* Download first 'Warp3Fonts6a.png' to preview the fonts easily!
* Please read the joined documentation for further informations.


* Sechs VollSchriftarts; Frei und original.
* "Euro" (€) zu "Wechselgeld" (¤) (ASCII 164) gesetz.
* PostScript type 1
* Sehen Sie die 'Warp3Fonts6a.png' an für ein prompt Einblick erkennen!
* Bitte lesen die vereinigt Dokumentation für mehr.
	Viel Spaß!

Contents of text/pfont/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//text/pfont/
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
    1776  Defl:N      901  49%  08-08-08 05:49  88c26b32  Postscript/AmigaRowNeverDies.txt
    1450  Defl:N      729  50%  08-08-08 06:09  d8784f76  Postscript/ClearBlueSky.txt
     905  Defl:N      496  45%  08-08-08 05:45  e4d824cb  Postscript/Invisible.txt
    1518  Defl:N      778  49%  08-08-08 06:07  7b9fb74e  Postscript/Metro.txt
       0  Stored        0   0%  08-08-08 06:36  00000000  Postscript/OTF/
   25992  Defl:N    14250  45%  06-10-07 23:06  b32bae8c  Postscript/OTF/AmigaRowNeverDies.otf
   18756  Defl:N     8870  53%  06-10-07 23:07  930ff8a0  Postscript/OTF/ClearBlueSky.otf
   21492  Defl:N     6992  68%  06-10-07 23:59  0a2a4924  Postscript/OTF/Metro.otf
   23620  Defl:N     7943  66%  06-10-07 23:59  720401ce  Postscript/OTF/Metrolight.otf
       0  Stored        0   0%  08-08-08 06:52  00000000  Postscript/PFB/
   43374  Defl:N    39648   9%  05-20-08 19:41  82a7d8da  Postscript/PFB/AmigaRowNeverDies.pfb
     468  Defl:N      212  55%  05-20-08 19:41  c12fbb19  Postscript/PFB/
   35806  Defl:N    32044  11%  08-08-08 03:18  3dd0703c  Postscript/PFB/ClearBlueSky.pfb
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  08-08-08 03:18  048ccf98  Postscript/PFB/
   35881  Defl:N    32102  11%  08-08-08 03:43  63b8680d  Postscript/PFB/ClearBlueSkyHigh.pfb
     468  Defl:N      212  55%  08-08-08 03:43  eb71c9a1  Postscript/PFB/
   22425  Defl:N    18591  17%  08-08-08 04:27  ffbb08d2  Postscript/PFB/Invisible.pfb
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  08-08-08 04:27  99d08baf  Postscript/PFB/
   39099  Defl:N    35401  10%  08-08-08 02:56  72bed2b1  Postscript/PFB/Metro.pfb
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  08-08-08 02:56  2340cf41  Postscript/PFB/
   41134  Defl:N    37426   9%  08-08-08 02:58  ed1e3650  Postscript/PFB/MetroLight.pfb
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  08-08-08 02:58  f98cca6a  Postscript/PFB/
    3605  Defl:N     1816  50%  08-08-08 06:10  a1d2125c  Postscript/Warp3Fonts-set6a.txt
       0  Stored        0   0%  08-08-08 07:03  00000000  Postscript/
    7464  Defl:N     7138   4%  08-08-08 07:59  9f7a14e6  Warp3fonts6a.png
--------          -------  ---                            -------
  327105           246401  25%                            25 files
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