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Short:NAFCYI Spring 1991 (PS Fonts)
Author:Yomaru Kasuga (starchoicemusic at
Uploader:Yomaru Kasuga (starchoicemusic yahoo com)
Version:1.30 Beta
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New Amiga Font Collection of Yesteryear's Inspirational
is the compilation series created by Yomaru Kasuga.

These fonts are made into Postscript fonts, converted from Truetype,
and it mades from TypeSmith.

It contains fonts are the original names and full character set.
This archive doesn't have index image inside for more examples.

It is inspired by the year spring 1991.

Version History in Beta:
1.00 = Initial Release
1.20 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       into all-new season for this series.
1.22 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       and replacing 19 new fonts.
1.25 = Rearranging volumes with font typefaces and replacing
       new font.
1.26 = Rearranging all complete volumes with 14 fonts updating glyphs
       and replacing 3 fonts from old to new.
1.27 = Rearranging all complete volumes with new fonts. Several Fonts
       would be selected and revert by reducing glyphs for any
1.28 = Replacing Font Typeface including with New Font.

What's New:
1.30 = Rearranging all complete volumes with up to 870 font typefaces

This archive has been generated for the rearrangements of
these Font Typefaces for the following:

PS Font Name = Equivalent

RotisSansSerifBold = Rotis San Serif Bold
RotisSansSerifItalc = Rotis San Serif Italic
RotisSemiSans = Rotis Semi Sans
RotisSemiSansBold = Rotis Semi Sans Bold
RotisSemiSansItalic = Rotis Semi Sans Italic
RotisSemiSerif = Rotis Semi Serif
RotisSemiSerifBold = Rotis Semi Serif Bold
RotisSerif = Rotis Serif
RotisSerifBold = Rotis Serif Bold
RotisSerifItalic = Rotis Serif Italic
Ruach = Ruach LET
RunicCondensed = Runic Condensed
RussellSquare = Russell Square
SabonDemi = Sabon Bold
SabonDemiItalic = Sabon Bold Italic
SabonItalic = Sabon Italic
SackersClassicRmnL = Sackers Classic Roman Light
SackersRomanHeavy = Sackers Roman Heavy
SanFrancisco = Saint Francis
SanMarco = San Oarco
SansSerifShaded = San Serif Shaded
SantaFe = Santa Fe LET
SassoonPrimary = Sassoon Primary
Scala = FF Scala
ScalaItalic = FF Scala Italic
SchadowBlkCond = Schadow Black Condensed BT

Contents of text/pfont/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//text/pfont/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
   10878  Defl:N     3184  71% 2022-10-15 13:45 5b1d97be  RotisSansSerifBold.afm
   49128  Defl:N    45104   8% 2022-10-15 13:47 f5188e47  RotisSansSerifBold.pfb
   11016  Defl:N     3215  71% 2022-10-15 13:46 aaa6c59a  RotisSansSerifItalc.afm
   48541  Defl:N    44522   8% 2022-10-15 13:46 ed5a9399  RotisSansSerifItalc.pfb
   11451  Defl:N     3395  70% 2022-10-15 13:49 02476a2f  RotisSemiSans.afm
   56995  Defl:N    53016   7% 2022-10-15 13:48 ec2b0392  RotisSemiSans.pfb
   11469  Defl:N     3432  70% 2022-10-15 13:50 6d69ad5a  RotisSemiSansBold.afm
   55367  Defl:N    51379   7% 2022-10-15 13:50 3de93fa4  RotisSemiSansBold.pfb
   11630  Defl:N     3434  71% 2022-10-15 13:52 6b9386b8  RotisSemiSansItalic.afm
   55097  Defl:N    51096   7% 2022-10-15 13:52 b03d0da4  RotisSemiSansItalic.pfb
   10959  Defl:N     3216  71% 2022-10-15 13:53 dbbf4826  RotisSemiSerif.afm
   56892  Defl:N    52902   7% 2022-10-15 13:53 64a15cd8  RotisSemiSerif.pfb
   10943  Defl:N     3225  71% 2022-10-15 13:55 5bb1b01e  RotisSemiSerifBold.afm
   57254  Defl:N    53237   7% 2022-10-15 13:54 c4b87534  RotisSemiSerifBold.pfb
   10994  Defl:N     3253  70% 2022-10-15 13:57 a38d958c  RotisSerif.afm
   58730  Defl:N    54752   7% 2022-10-15 13:57 4081d062  RotisSerif.pfb
   10997  Defl:N     3310  70% 2022-10-15 13:58 7198bdf6  RotisSerifBold.afm
   59249  Defl:N    55248   7% 2022-10-15 13:58 d2f9d3e3  RotisSerifBold.pfb
   11072  Defl:N     3307  70% 2022-10-15 13:59 d93f599c  RotisSerifItalic.afm
   62475  Defl:N    58478   6% 2022-10-15 13:59 81fba0d7  RotisSerifItalic.pfb
    8352  Defl:N     2836  66% 2023-09-06 21:56 fbb7226a  Ruach.afm
  180287  Defl:N   176407   2% 2023-09-06 21:56 fc42fa6d  Ruach.pfb
   11247  Defl:N     3342  70% 2023-07-21 21:56 4639bc4e  RunicCondensed.afm
   47888  Defl:N    43892   8% 2023-07-21 21:56 1a24afa5  RunicCondensed.pfb
   10450  Defl:N     2915  72% 2022-03-25 12:16 b3797ec0  RussellSquare.afm
   33093  Defl:N    29112  12% 2022-03-25 12:16 ed065fb8  RussellSquare.pfb
   11016  Defl:N     3335  70% 2022-10-15 14:03 9d3091e3  Sabon.afm
   64010  Defl:N    60078   6% 2022-10-15 14:03 30814db4  Sabon.pfb
   11035  Defl:N     3358  70% 2022-10-15 14:04 611ac201  SabonDemi.afm
   62974  Defl:N    59024   6% 2022-10-15 14:04 e17520a6  SabonDemi.pfb
   11087  Defl:N     3386  70% 2022-10-15 14:08 800a0980  SabonDemiItalic.afm
   64178  Defl:N    60200   6% 2022-10-15 14:08 71ccddb9  SabonDemiItalic.pfb
   11054  Defl:N     3331  70% 2022-10-15 14:09 f5b74019  SabonItalic.afm
   65324  Defl:N    61357   6% 2022-10-15 14:09 9abeed4a  SabonItalic.pfb
    7737  Defl:N     2246  71% 2022-10-15 14:19 c6ba36a9  SackersClassicRmnL.afm
   45647  Defl:N    41626   9% 2022-10-15 14:19 d2294d90  SackersClassicRmnL.pfb
    7780  Defl:N     2241  71% 2022-10-15 14:20 d183a878  SackersRomanHeavy.afm
   51899  Defl:N    47895   8% 2022-10-15 14:20 ab6cbbb0  SackersRomanHeavy.pfb
   10377  Defl:N     3291  68% 2022-04-23 09:15 22dc5e73  Salloon.afm
  107498  Defl:N   103579   4% 2022-04-23 09:15 608f5bf3  Salloon.pfb
    5471  Defl:N     2103  62% 2022-03-20 13:46 aacc1fa5  SanFrancisco.afm
   36035  Defl:N    32055  11% 2022-03-20 13:45 cade5459  SanFrancisco.pfb
   10685  Defl:N     3153  71% 2023-09-04 08:42 8bcb309b  SanMarco.afm
   55705  Defl:N    51759   7% 2023-09-04 08:42 d349fad4  SanMarco.pfb
    3655  Defl:N     1326  64% 2022-10-15 14:24 cf5a02fc  SansSerifShaded.afm
   50101  Defl:N    46111   8% 2022-10-15 14:24 6f33d08b  SansSerifShaded.pfb
    7345  Defl:N     2416  67% 2023-09-07 20:56 141358e5  SantaFe.afm
   52207  Defl:N    48260   8% 2023-09-07 20:55 7f7ae38f  SantaFe.pfb
   10981  Defl:N     3457  69% 2023-02-05 14:36 96c2ab5c  SassoonPrimary.afm
   46696  Defl:N    42700   9% 2023-02-05 14:36 9e04bf07  SassoonPrimary.pfb
    9942  Defl:N     3623  64% 2022-06-14 11:07 63f8f5e0  Savage.afm
  132672  Defl:N   128757   3% 2022-06-14 11:07 3c88dead  Savage.pfb
   10925  Defl:N     3381  69% 2022-08-11 11:06 8414ff33  Scala.afm
   58049  Defl:N    54117   7% 2022-08-11 11:06 2abb6689  Scala.pfb
   11033  Defl:N     3512  68% 2022-08-11 11:08 f62783cc  ScalaItalic.afm
   63576  Defl:N    59624   6% 2022-08-11 11:08 67d8e760  ScalaItalic.pfb
   11384  Defl:N     3391  70% 2024-05-10 11:26 3b4913a8  SchadowBlkCond.afm
   53413  Defl:N    49431   8% 2024-05-10 11:25 60729ac8  SchadowBlkCond.pfb
    5036  Defl:N     1914  62% 2022-03-20 13:48 e9f714a7  SchwarzWald.afm
   41353  Defl:N    37389  10% 2022-03-20 13:48 f189dcb3  SchwarzWald.pfb
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 2170334          1844635  15%                            60 files

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