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Short:NAFCYI Spring 1991 (PS Fonts)
Author: starchoicemusic at
Uploader:Yomaru Kasuga (starchoicemusic yahoo com)
Version:1.35 Beta
Download:text/pfont/ - View contents

New Amiga Font Collection of Yesteryear's Inspirational
is the compilation series created by Yomaru Kasuga.

After 26 years, many Postscript fonts are available through,
with four types of classifications, such as Deco, Sans, Scripts, and
Serif, including the best selection.

These fonts are made into Postscript fonts, converted from Truetype,
and it mades from TypeSmith.

It contains fonts are the original names and full character set.
This archive doesn't have index image inside for more examples.

It is inspired by the year spring 1991.

Version History in Beta:
1.00 = Initial Release with 30 Fonts.
1.10 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       because of the file counting issues of concerns.
1.20 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       into all-new season for this series.
1.22 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       and replacing 19 new fonts.
1.23 = Rearranging volumes with font typefaces and replacing
       5 new fonts.
1.24 = Rearranging volumes with font typefaces and replacing
       new font.
1.25 = Same as Previous Version 1.24
1.26 = Rearranging all complete volumes with 14 fonts updating glyphs
       and replacing 3 fonts from old to new.
1.27 = Rearranging all complete volumes with new fonts. Several Fonts
       would be selected and revert by reducing glyphs for any
1.28 = Replacing Font Typefaces including with New Font.
1.30 = Rearranging all complete volumes with up to 870 font typefaces

What's New:
1.35 = Rearranging all complete volumes, new font typefaces,
       and renaming into abbreviations.

This archive has been generated for the rearrangements of
these Font Typefaces for the following:

PS Font Name = Equivalent
FranklinGothicBkIt = ITC Franklin Gothic Book Italic
FranklinGothicDm = ITC Franklin Gothic Demi
FranklinGothicDmIt = ITC Franklin Gothic Demi Italic
FranklinGothicHvy = ITC Franklin Gothic Heavy
FranklinGothicHvyIt = ITC Franklin Gothic Heavy Italic
FranklinGothicMd = ITC Franklin Gothic Medium
FranklinGothicMdIt = ITC Franklin Gothic Medium Italic
Freehand591BT = Freehand 591 BT
FreestyleScript = Freestyle Script
FrenchScript = French Script
FrizQuadrata = Friz Quadrata
FrizQuadrataBd = Friz Quadrata Bold
FrutigerBd = Frutiger Bold
FuturaBlk = Futura Black
FuturaBd = Futura Bold
FuturaDisplay = Futura Display
FuturaExBd = Futura Extra Bold
FuturaMd = Futura Medium
FuturaMdObl = Futura Medium Oblique
GaramondBd = Garamond Bold
GaramondIt = Garamond Italic
GarthGraphic = Garth Graphic
GatsbyBd = Gatsby Bold
Gazelle = Gazelle FLF
GestaltBd = Gestalt HTF Bold

Contents of text/pfont/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//text/pfont/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
   12836  Defl:N     3918  70% 2024-08-05 09:38 9585d010  FranklinGothicBkIt.afm
   50556  Defl:N    46565   8% 2024-08-05 09:38 6d9df630  FranklinGothicBkIt.pfb
   12681  Defl:N     3780  70% 2024-08-05 09:39 3d9d9eb9  FranklinGothicDm.afm
   48863  Defl:N    44855   8% 2024-08-05 09:39 75af7687  FranklinGothicDm.pfb
   12689  Defl:N     3913  69% 2024-08-05 09:40 d531ee4a  FranklinGothicDmIt.afm
   49656  Defl:N    45642   8% 2024-08-05 09:40 79f47700  FranklinGothicDmIt.pfb
   12684  Defl:N     3735  71% 2022-03-23 15:49 6769dd90  FranklinGothicHvy.afm
   48476  Defl:N    44466   8% 2022-03-23 15:48 22ff1e30  FranklinGothicHvy.pfb
   12708  Defl:N     3883  69% 2022-03-23 15:51 bfae440e  FranklinGothicHvyIt.afm
   49688  Defl:N    45670   8% 2022-03-23 15:51 ef545e3a  FranklinGothicHvyIt.pfb
   12711  Defl:N     3801  70% 2024-08-05 09:40 48937988  FranklinGothicMd.afm
   48822  Defl:N    44818   8% 2024-08-05 09:40 31633564  FranklinGothicMd.pfb
   12680  Defl:N     3884  69% 2024-08-05 09:41 e4a983ff  FranklinGothicMdIt.afm
   49706  Defl:N    45690   8% 2024-08-05 09:41 9e3fe90c  FranklinGothicMdIt.pfb
   11663  Defl:N     3780  68% 2024-05-10 09:36 e9e2d858  Freehand591BT.afm
   84713  Defl:N    80749   5% 2024-05-10 09:35 8ffba2d0  Freehand591BT.pfb
    9553  Defl:N     3187  67% 2023-09-09 20:29 c7f84f06  FreestyleScript.afm
   68458  Defl:N    64463   6% 2023-09-09 20:29 5ebf74df  FreestyleScript.pfb
   11505  Defl:N     3593  69% 2022-03-19 16:02 7c8688c4  FrenchScript.afm
   67904  Defl:N    63942   6% 2022-03-19 16:01 980355ca  FrenchScript.pfb
   11024  Defl:N     3513  68% 2022-03-23 16:00 95cf443a  FrizQuadrata.afm
   50947  Defl:N    46982   8% 2022-03-23 16:00 4320c124  FrizQuadrata.pfb
   11031  Defl:N     3442  69% 2024-08-05 09:42 e47e4cd7  FrizQuadrataBd.afm
   49509  Defl:N    45500   8% 2024-08-05 09:41 f73ef19f  FrizQuadrataBd.pfb
   10929  Defl:N     3160  71% 2022-03-23 16:04 643ec901  Frutiger.afm
   44955  Defl:N    41006   9% 2022-03-23 16:04 de2fac15  Frutiger.pfb
   10920  Defl:N     3139  71% 2024-08-05 09:42 c7f5500e  FrutigerBd.afm
   44212  Defl:N    40249   9% 2024-08-05 09:42 983c54fa  FrutigerBd.pfb
    8689  Defl:N     2888  67% 2022-04-22 14:48 d8165363  Fumo.afm
   94941  Defl:N    90994   4% 2022-04-22 14:47 2b72167b  Fumo.pfb
   10985  Defl:N     3341  70% 2024-08-05 09:43 f37703c7  FuturaBd.afm
   44188  Defl:N    40234   9% 2024-08-05 09:43 69fdd791  FuturaBd.pfb
    8701  Defl:N     2624  70% 2024-08-05 09:44 db667e46  FuturaBlk.afm
   36842  Defl:N    32882  11% 2024-08-05 09:44 617b3422  FuturaBlk.pfb
   10826  Defl:N     3223  70% 2022-03-23 16:09 c35e0937  FuturaDisplay.afm
   55371  Defl:N    51410   7% 2022-03-23 16:09 9450dad9  FuturaDisplay.pfb
   11010  Defl:N     3321  70% 2024-08-05 09:45 4de9ac6e  FuturaExBd.afm
   47414  Defl:N    43449   8% 2024-08-05 09:45 c68453bc  FuturaExBd.pfb
   10999  Defl:N     3316  70% 2024-08-05 09:52 ebe65a88  FuturaMd.afm
   45930  Defl:N    41961   9% 2024-08-05 09:52 60153f04  FuturaMd.pfb
   11048  Defl:N     3412  69% 2024-08-05 09:53 09569dae  FuturaMdObl.afm
   46767  Defl:N    42789   9% 2024-08-05 09:53 f293b481  FuturaMdObl.pfb
    9708  Defl:N     3000  69% 2023-09-09 20:30 b4f43e63  Gallia.afm
   88750  Defl:N    84821   4% 2023-09-09 20:30 574cfe53  Gallia.pfb
   12607  Defl:N     4005  68% 2022-03-23 16:30 23a9e0fd  Garamond.afm
   92262  Defl:N    88322   4% 2022-03-23 16:30 95162792  Garamond.pfb
   12566  Defl:N     3978  68% 2024-08-05 13:56 be0c6b0d  GaramondBd.afm
   90999  Defl:N    87051   4% 2024-08-05 13:56 040d0c99  GaramondBd.pfb
   12175  Defl:N     3926  68% 2024-08-05 13:57 976e32eb  GaramondIt.afm
   89878  Defl:N    85940   4% 2024-08-05 13:56 b198ac9c  GaramondIt.pfb
   10194  Defl:N     3001  71% 2024-02-21 15:58 725f3d3a  GarthGraphic.afm
   69161  Defl:N    65177   6% 2024-02-21 15:57 596a4036  GarthGraphic.pfb
   10441  Defl:N     3398  68% 2024-08-05 13:57 760598a5  GatsbyBd.afm
   48324  Defl:N    44360   8% 2024-08-05 13:57 d4914104  GatsbyBd.pfb
   10489  Defl:N     3416  67% 2022-06-14 10:17 951ff35d  Gazelle.afm
  101563  Defl:N    97624   4% 2022-06-14 10:17 fb1f58cb  Gazelle.pfb
   11613  Defl:N     3244  72% 2022-03-19 16:07 f935d56c  Geneva.afm
   49720  Defl:N    45765   8% 2022-03-19 16:07 1774f9e8  Geneva.pfb
   10125  Defl:N     2904  71% 2024-08-05 13:58 8237a992  GestaltBd.afm
   40145  Defl:N    36143  10% 2024-08-05 13:58 83840242  GestaltBd.pfb
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 2136510          1783244  17%                            60 files
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