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Short:NAFCYI Spring 1991 (PS Fonts)
Author:Yomaru Kasuga (starchoicemusic at
Uploader:Yomaru Kasuga (starchoicemusic yahoo com)
Version:1.30 Beta
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New Amiga Font Collection of Yesteryear's Inspirational
is the compilation series created by Yomaru Kasuga.

After 26 years, many Postscript fonts are available through,
with four types of classifications, such as Deco, Sans, Scripts, and
Serif, including the best selection.

These fonts are made into Postscript fonts, converted from Truetype,
and it mades from TypeSmith.

It contains fonts are the original names and full character set.
This archive doesn't have index image inside for more examples.

It is inspired by the year spring 1991.

Version History in Beta:
1.00 = Initial Release with 30 Fonts.
1.10 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       because of the file counting issues of concerns.
1.20 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       into all-new season for this series.
1.22 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       and replacing 19 new fonts.
1.23 = Rearranging volumes with font typefaces and replacing
       5 new fonts.
1.25 = Rearranging volumes with font typefaces and replacing
       new font.
1.26 = Rearranging all complete volumes with 14 fonts updating glyphs
       and replacing 3 fonts from old to new.
1.27 = Rearranging all complete volumes with new fonts. Several Fonts
       would be selected and revert by reducing glyphs for any
1.28 = Replacing Font Typefaces

What's New:
1.30 = Rearranging all complete volumes with up to 870 font typefaces

This archive has been generated for the rearrangements of
these Font Typefaces for the following:

PS Font Name = Equivalent

BerlingBold = Berling Bold
BerlingBoldItalic = Berling Bold Italic
BerlingItalic = Berling Italic
BernardCondensed = Bernard Condensed
BernhardFashion = Bernhard Fashion
BernhardGothic = Bernhard Gothic Medium
BernhardModern = Bernhard Modern
BernhardScript = Bernhard Script
BernhardTango = Bernhard Tango BT
BHerkules = Berthold Herkules
BickleyScript = Bickley Script
Biffo = Biffo MT
BinnerGothic = Binner Gothic
Bitmax = Bitmax LET
BlackChancery = Black Chancery
BlackForest = Black Forest
Blado = Blado MT
Blippo = Blippo Black BT
Block = Berthold Block
Blocky = FontBank Blocky
BodegaSans = Bodega Sans
BodoniBlack = Bodoni Black
BodoniBlackItalic = Bodoni Black Italic
BodoniBold = Bodoni Bold
BodoniBoldItalic = Bodoni Bold Italic
BodoniCondBd = Bodoni Condensed Bold
BodoniItalic = Bodoni Italic

Contents of text/pfont/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//text/pfont/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
   10681  Defl:N     3060  71% 2024-05-10 09:15 37eeabd2  BerlingBold.afm
   55947  Defl:N    51961   7% 2024-05-10 09:15 c63067f4  BerlingBold.pfb
   10724  Defl:N     3206  70% 2024-05-10 09:16 28d9b3f7  BerlingBoldItalic.afm
   58571  Defl:N    54569   7% 2024-05-10 09:16 c1f76c30  BerlingBoldItalic.pfb
   10760  Defl:N     3179  71% 2024-05-10 09:17 a6a9ebf5  BerlingItalic.afm
   59621  Defl:N    55622   7% 2024-05-10 09:16 585749f2  BerlingItalic.pfb
   11220  Defl:N     3416  70% 2022-03-19 11:35 afb56161  BernardCondensed.afm
   66237  Defl:N    62264   6% 2022-03-19 11:34 92e02a87  BernardCondensed.pfb
   11506  Defl:N     3446  70% 2022-04-21 16:23 768cd6c8  BernhardFashion.afm
   56468  Defl:N    52472   7% 2022-04-21 16:23 005acf02  BernhardFashion.pfb
   11460  Defl:N     3686  68% 2022-04-21 16:25 92756315  BernhardGothic.afm
   51999  Defl:N    48024   8% 2022-04-21 16:25 0d2c1462  BernhardGothic.pfb
   11041  Defl:N     3337  70% 2022-04-21 16:28 b057fb0b  BernhardModern.afm
   80760  Defl:N    76795   5% 2022-04-21 16:28 5aa61e1f  BernhardModern.pfb
    9408  Defl:N     3109  67% 2022-04-21 16:31 efecf114  BernhardScript.afm
   58664  Defl:N    54688   7% 2022-04-21 16:30 7a7d14d9  BernhardScript.pfb
   11652  Defl:N     3631  69% 2024-05-09 11:20 9f9fede5  BernhardTango.afm
   72725  Defl:N    68732   6% 2024-05-09 11:20 b42dd931  BernhardTango.pfb
   10267  Defl:N     3096  70% 2022-03-19 11:37 a7f0e32e  BHerkules.afm
  116642  Defl:N   112690   3% 2022-03-19 11:36 bd687a54  BHerkules.pfb
    7055  Defl:N     2507  65% 2023-09-09 19:56 8bffcc47  BickleyScript.afm
   49997  Defl:N    46014   8% 2023-09-09 19:56 4f267886  BickleyScript.pfb
   11130  Defl:N     3585  68% 2023-09-06 19:49 95ea06cb  Biffo.afm
  109392  Defl:N   105445   4% 2023-09-06 19:49 f7a1f817  Biffo.pfb
   11174  Defl:N     3416  69% 2022-10-15 11:22 1d4b24e5  BinnerGothic.afm
   45464  Defl:N    41478   9% 2022-10-15 11:22 9530c4ad  BinnerGothic.pfb
    9211  Defl:N     2644  71% 2023-09-09 19:57 b3452738  Birch.afm
   54773  Defl:N    50824   7% 2023-09-09 19:57 8f7a7507  Birch.pfb
    8249  Defl:N     2283  72% 2023-09-06 19:50 66900dc6  Bitmax.afm
   77164  Defl:N    73231   5% 2023-09-06 19:50 f70555ab  Bitmax.pfb
    8785  Defl:N     2869  67% 2022-03-22 13:34 6a7dee78  BlackChancery.afm
   53967  Defl:N    49994   7% 2022-03-22 13:34 132c5569  BlackChancery.pfb
    7280  Defl:N     2328  68% 2022-07-18 10:59 4738363c  BlackForest.afm
   31236  Defl:N    27268  13% 2022-07-18 10:59 72aa9049  BlackForest.pfb
    9501  Defl:N     2775  71% 2023-09-09 19:57 7755293f  Blackoak.afm
   65622  Defl:N    61646   6% 2023-09-09 19:57 7589aa71  Blackoak.pfb
   11555  Defl:N     3739  68% 2022-10-15 11:23 af054573  Blado.afm
   87073  Defl:N    83139   5% 2022-10-15 11:23 00169b50  Blado.pfb
   11591  Defl:N     3394  71% 2024-05-10 09:18 aff1ff3e  Blippo.afm
   51563  Defl:N    47599   8% 2024-05-10 09:18 44f0e583  Blippo.pfb
   10258  Defl:N     3226  69% 2023-07-20 21:09 da2f0ae0  Block.afm
  142881  Defl:N   138970   3% 2023-07-20 21:08 5b2176c3  Block.pfb
    4080  Defl:N     1471  64% 2024-05-12 11:05 91d8a653  Blocky.afm
   22109  Defl:N    21403   3% 2024-05-12 11:05 9c790639  Blocky.pfb
   10022  Defl:N     3025  70% 2022-04-21 16:35 6bba3fa5  BodegaSans.afm
   40634  Defl:N    36669  10% 2022-04-21 16:35 1638593d  BodegaSans.pfb
   11526  Defl:N     3395  71% 2022-03-22 13:44 9b7c9368  Bodoni.afm
   56298  Defl:N    52358   7% 2022-03-22 13:44 8a0b59b3  Bodoni.pfb
   11523  Defl:N     3414  70% 2022-03-22 14:14 ea81c401  BodoniBlack.afm
   57465  Defl:N    53488   7% 2022-03-22 14:13 94028377  BodoniBlack.pfb
   11687  Defl:N     3584  69% 2022-03-22 14:16 b6a87575  BodoniBlackItalic.afm
   62773  Defl:N    58778   6% 2022-03-22 14:15 a83e4146  BodoniBlackItalic.pfb
   11473  Defl:N     3371  71% 2022-03-22 14:18 18153636  BodoniBold.afm
   55877  Defl:N    51926   7% 2022-03-22 14:18 08bcc7b2  BodoniBold.pfb
   11684  Defl:N     3525  70% 2022-03-22 14:24 06d225b4  BodoniBoldItalic.afm
   57839  Defl:N    53851   7% 2022-03-22 14:24 c577d331  BodoniBoldItalic.pfb
   11313  Defl:N     3495  69% 2022-04-21 16:41 f36df402  BodoniCondBd.afm
   54414  Defl:N    50437   7% 2022-04-21 16:40 6fdfa4c0  BodoniCondBd.pfb
   11604  Defl:N     3529  70% 2022-03-22 14:27 c09cc7b0  BodoniItalic.afm
   58775  Defl:N    54809   7% 2022-03-22 14:27 772ad98f  BodoniItalic.pfb
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 2222370          1891885  15%                            60 files

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