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Short:NAFCYI Spring 1991 (PS Fonts)
Author: starchoicemusic at
Uploader:Yomaru Kasuga (starchoicemusic yahoo com)
Version:1.35 Beta
Download:text/pfont/ - View contents

New Amiga Font Collection of Yesteryear's Inspirational
is the compilation series created by Yomaru Kasuga.

After 26 years, many Postscript fonts are available through,
with four types of classifications, such as Deco, Sans, Scripts, and
Serif, including the best selection.

These fonts are made into Postscript fonts, converted from Truetype,
and it mades from TypeSmith.

It contains fonts are the original names and full character set.
This archive doesn't have index image inside for more examples.

It is inspired by the year spring 1991.

Version History in Beta:
1.00 = Initial Release with 30 Fonts.
1.10 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       because of the file counting issues of concerns.
1.20 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       into all-new season for this series.
1.22 = Rearranging all complete volumes with font typefaces
       and replacing 19 new fonts.
1.23 = Rearranging volumes with font typefaces and replacing
       5 new fonts.
1.25 = Rearranging volumes with font typefaces and replacing
       new font.
1.26 = Rearranging all complete volumes with 14 fonts updating glyphs
       and replacing 3 fonts from old to new.
1.27 = Rearranging all complete volumes with new fonts. Several Fonts
       would be selected and revert by reducing glyphs for any
1.30 = Rearranging all complete volumes with up to 870 font typefaces

What's New:
1.35 = Rearranging all complete volumes, new font typefaces,
       and renaming into abbreviations.

This archive has been generated for the rearrangements of
these Font Typefaces for the following:

PS Font Name = Equivalent
ArialNrBd = Arial Narrow Bold
ArialNrBdIt = Arial Narrow Bold Italic
ArialNrIt = Arial Narrow Italic
AristonExBd = Ariston Extra Bold
ArnoldBoecklin = Arnold Boecklin
ArtGothic = Art Gothic
AshleyCrawford = Ashley Crawford
AshleyHand = Ashley Hand
AshleyScript = Ashley Script
AugsburgerInitials = Augsburger Initials
August = Filmotype August
AuriolBlk = Auriol Black
Austin = Filmotype Austin
AvenirBlk = Avenir Black
AvenirBlkObl = Avenir Black Oblique
AvenirLt = Avenir Light
AvenirLtObl = Avenir Light Oblique
AvenirMd = Avenir Medium
AvenirMdObl = Avenir Medium Oblique
AWoodTypeOrns1 = Adobe WoodType Ornaments 1
AWoodTypeOrns2 = Adobe WoodType Ornaments 2
BakerSignet = Baker Signet BT
Balloon = Balloon Extra Bold

Contents of text/pfont/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//text/pfont/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
   12670  Defl:N     3684  71% 2024-07-31 09:33 9d3357c0  ArialNrBd.afm
   50280  Defl:N    46311   8% 2024-07-31 09:33 ba30882f  ArialNrBd.pfb
   12774  Defl:N     3827  70% 2024-07-31 14:55 df79699d  ArialNrBdIt.afm
   50876  Defl:N    46913   8% 2024-07-31 14:54 9fca6fd4  ArialNrBdIt.pfb
   12708  Defl:N     3761  70% 2024-07-31 14:56 08dc50a3  ArialNrIt.afm
   51380  Defl:N    47423   8% 2024-07-31 14:55 a851a4cb  ArialNrIt.pfb
    9871  Defl:N     3155  68% 2024-07-31 14:57 7223b892  AristonExBd.afm
   79228  Defl:N    75254   5% 2024-07-31 14:56 33f6fa67  AristonExBd.pfb
   10942  Defl:N     3229  71% 2022-03-22 11:16 63a4f943  ArnoldBoecklin.afm
   90035  Defl:N    86076   4% 2022-03-22 11:16 9bb9740d  ArnoldBoecklin.pfb
    9864  Defl:N     3269  67% 2022-03-22 11:18 d0a27ad3  Arquitectura.afm
   42461  Defl:N    38484   9% 2022-03-22 11:18 1890138c  Arquitectura.pfb
    8775  Defl:N     2365  73% 2022-03-22 11:20 ed4c4b67  ArtDeco.afm
   46192  Defl:N    42243   9% 2022-03-22 11:20 1815713b  ArtDeco.pfb
    5812  Defl:N     2112  64% 2023-01-10 14:14 68ae0b2c  ArtGothic.afm
   62861  Defl:N    58914   6% 2023-01-10 14:14 90d62c94  ArtGothic.pfb
    8508  Defl:N     2675  69% 2023-09-09 19:51 ae09ebe5  Artistik.afm
   69216  Defl:N    65257   6% 2023-09-09 19:51 4229b111  Artistik.pfb
    8242  Defl:N     2453  70% 2023-09-06 19:44 f908a05a  AshleyCrawford.afm
   46473  Defl:N    42476   9% 2023-09-06 19:44 9eb7ca71  AshleyCrawford.pfb
    8138  Defl:N     2721  67% 2022-04-05 11:34 1a79ae90  AshleyHand.afm
   57822  Defl:N    53871   7% 2022-04-05 11:34 5af18949  AshleyHand.pfb
   10726  Defl:N     3595  67% 2022-03-19 10:47 cdbb71c4  AshleyScript.afm
  106914  Defl:N   102975   4% 2022-03-19 10:47 0283cde7  AshleyScript.pfb
    3915  Defl:N     1419  64% 2022-03-19 10:50 f7248e44  Astur.afm
   85215  Defl:N    81293   5% 2022-03-19 10:49 758d2e3a  Astur.pfb
   10690  Defl:N     2854  73% 2022-07-04 13:45 f64bb5cd  AugsburgerInitials.afm
  240977  Defl:N   237054   2% 2022-07-04 13:45 4287b2c3  AugsburgerInitials.pfb
    8746  Defl:N     2901  67% 2022-03-19 11:15 a5a676d9  August.afm
   93409  Defl:N    89471   4% 2022-03-19 11:15 b7ae8f4c  August.pfb
   11027  Defl:N     3273  70% 2024-07-31 14:57 f0b5c6b8  AuriolBlk.afm
   85992  Defl:N    82050   5% 2024-07-31 14:57 494bab6e  AuriolBlk.pfb
    4118  Defl:N     1633  60% 2024-05-10 09:09 788340a5  Austin.afm
   45438  Defl:N    41471   9% 2024-05-10 09:09 eb33adc5  Austin.pfb
   10957  Defl:N     3245  70% 2024-07-31 14:58 c5bd0081  AvenirBlk.afm
   46184  Defl:N    42204   9% 2024-07-31 14:58 2450e8a6  AvenirBlk.pfb
   11025  Defl:N     3362  70% 2024-07-31 14:59 bbe9447a  AvenirBlkObl.afm
   46757  Defl:N    42751   9% 2024-07-31 14:58 0d92ea8f  AvenirBlkObl.pfb
   10963  Defl:N     3262  70% 2024-07-31 14:59 3ae6dcf4  AvenirLt.afm
   45804  Defl:N    41826   9% 2024-07-31 14:59 2b92507b  AvenirLt.pfb
   11017  Defl:N     3334  70% 2024-07-31 15:00 e236d6cb  AvenirLtObl.afm
   47426  Defl:N    43436   8% 2024-07-31 15:00 c09cd2f0  AvenirLtObl.pfb
   10970  Defl:N     3267  70% 2024-07-31 15:00 5de3eb32  AvenirMd.afm
   45910  Defl:N    41935   9% 2024-07-31 15:00 2ec02741  AvenirMd.pfb
   11023  Defl:N     3355  70% 2024-07-31 15:01 5b009eb3  AvenirMdObl.afm
   47015  Defl:N    43028   9% 2024-07-31 15:01 52591546  AvenirMdObl.pfb
    2685  Defl:N      965  64% 2024-07-30 14:38 9c48e0fc  AWoodTypeOrns1.afm
   38605  Defl:N    34579  10% 2024-07-30 14:38 8a459381  AWoodTypeOrns1.pfb
    2658  Defl:N     1000  62% 2024-07-30 14:39 2f23a487  AWoodTypeOrns2.afm
   67446  Defl:N    63452   6% 2024-07-30 14:39 2c3669ff  AWoodTypeOrns2.pfb
    4873  Defl:N     1670  66% 2023-09-06 19:45 c044bb43  Babyteeth.afm
   22633  Defl:N    18654  18% 2023-09-06 19:45 663a7021  Babyteeth.pfb
   10817  Defl:N     2795  74% 2022-06-14 10:16 1c796c9f  Badloc.afm
   42520  Defl:N    38561   9% 2022-06-14 10:15 ffc7d900  Badloc.pfb
   10991  Defl:N     3307  70% 2022-04-21 16:07 a8cff8b3  BakerSignet.afm
   57439  Defl:N    53469   7% 2022-04-21 16:07 a3c5bdc9  BakerSignet.pfb
    7820  Defl:N     2265  71% 2023-09-09 19:51 53deb624  Balloon.afm
   71454  Defl:N    67499   6% 2023-09-09 19:51 17221554  Balloon.pfb
    7197  Defl:N     2498  65% 2023-09-09 19:52 85e4d1ae  Balmoral.afm
   55452  Defl:N    51507   7% 2023-09-09 19:52 c39d5783  Balmoral.pfb
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 2209936          1903688  14%                            60 files
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