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text/ifont/CGCapsFonts-1.lha |
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CGCapsFonts 1 (Created April 3, 1992)
These are CompuGraphic fonts converted from freely distributable
PostScript fonts using the 'Font Manager' program that comes with
Professional Page 3.0.
To use with WorkBench 2.04, install using the 'Fountain' utility
in your 'System' drawer. For information on how to do this, see
the documentation in 'Using the System Software', Appendix D.
For use in other programs, such as desktop publishers, follow
the documentation that came with the program.
Fonts included:
Name Supported Characters Author
CarrickCaps Only A-Z _|<> Unknown
A very ornate 'woodcut' font for fancy initial paragraph characters
GreenCaps Only A-Z 0-9 ._|<> David Rakowski
A 'two-tone' font
Judas All except a-z @#^ Unknown
A 'Judas Priest album cover' type of font.
($10 shareware, but, suprisingly, no author name or address was given!)
These particular fonts are all upper case only fonts useful
for desktop publishing, video titling, and other similar uses.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at:
Internet: ewaniu@bode.ee.ualberta.ca
Usenet: darrene@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca (if internet address fails)
FIDO: Darren Ewaniuk @ 1:342/53
Join your local Users' Group. They can provide excellent support
and usually the latest in shareware, freeware, and public domain
software. In Edmonton the local group is AmiCUE. For more
information about AmiCUE, the voice info line is (403)469-6694.
// /| o __ __ Amiga C=
\\ // /_| |\/| | | | | |__ Users group
\X/ / | | | | |__ |__| |__ of Edmonton
Call Devil BBS (403)484-9200 FIDO 1:342/53 (V.32/HST)
Contents of text/ifont/CGCapsFonts-1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 49 62 79.0% -lh5- 7777 Mar 28 1992 CarrickCaps.dat
[generic] 63020 73040 86.3% -lh5- cff3 Mar 28 1992 CarrickCaps.lib
[generic] 164 1660 9.9% -lh5- d3ae Mar 28 1992 CarrickCaps.metric
[generic] 51 56 91.1% -lh5- 399b Mar 28 1992 GreenCaps.dat
[generic] 13325 16800 79.3% -lh5- b57e Mar 28 1992 GreenCaps.lib
[generic] 374 2820 13.3% -lh5- 6248 Mar 28 1992 GreenCaps.metric
[generic] 44 44 100.0% -lh0- d861 Mar 28 1992 Judas.dat
[generic] 22589 33728 67.0% -lh5- 5f23 Mar 28 1992 Judas.lib
[generic] 681 3264 20.9% -lh5- 6972 Mar 28 1992 Judas.metric
[generic] 974 1802 54.1% -lh5- 71fa Apr 3 1992 CGCapsFonts1.ReadMe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 101271 133276 76.0% Apr 4 1992
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