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Heddley v1.1 by Edd Dumbill
Heddley is an editor to help you create AmigaGuide files. Heddley was
started because there were no decent programs for creating AmigaGuide
databases; since then some have emerged, but Heddley provides a more
integrated, complete and compact interface than the competition. You
can create buttons and text styles using a simple mouse-dragging
method, at the same time as retaining a useful overview of the whole
In fact, with HTML and ASCII/ANSI export features, Heddley should be
able to supply all your documentation needs; just create your
database with Heddley and have the ability to place it on-line in
HTML or print it out with ASCII; retaining style information in both
Perhaps the best thing about this new version is the amount of bug
fixes that have been implemented since the first version, in
particular the drastic reduction in Enforcer hits (and hopefully
removal, but hey, who can guarantee that? ;-) There are one or two
known bugs but Heddley has to be released *sometime* and seeing
as I haven't much time for development until Christmas I figured
it may as well be now.
Feature list (+ = new for version 1.1)
* Works with Workbench 2 or 3
* + Automatic index creation option
* + 'Test-database' facility
* + On-line context sensitive AmigaGuide help by pressing HELP key
* + Export as HTML feature
* + Export as ASCII with ANSI style codes
* + Full text control - bold, italic, underline & colors - loading,
editing and saving
* + Preferences Edit window
* + Supports new version commands, @author @(c) @$VER:
* + Supports V39 layout commands @font @wordwrap
* Full featured ARexx port
* Neat and good looking user interface
* Fully font adaptive
* AppWindow icon-drop support
* Interfaces with your favourite text editor
* Easy to install
* Distribution includes detailed documentation
and example ARexx scripts
Heddley is fully working, with no feature-crippling. However, Heddley
*is* SHAREWARE. Read the documentation for details of this (fee 10
UKP, 15 US$, DM 25).
Try Heddley - you'll like it!
Contents of text/hyper/Heddley11.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 277 632 43.8% -lh5- 7569 Aug 29 1994 Heddley.info
[generic] 277 632 43.8% -lh5- 7569 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive.info
[generic] 875 2725 32.1% -lh5- 507a Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/databaseinfo.rexx
[generic] 988 4006 24.7% -lh5- 11a2 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/def_doc.info
[generic] 232 463 50.1% -lh5- 7ffa Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/def_doc_old.info
[generic] 755 1611 46.9% -lh5- 36fd Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/def_guide.info
[generic] 280 504 55.6% -lh5- a816 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/def_guide_old.info
[generic] 33113 33113 100.0% -lh0- bbf8 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/edd.gif
[generic] 679 2208 30.8% -lh5- 11bc Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/editnode.rexx
[generic] 311 974 31.9% -lh5- fab1 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/hedd_empty.rexx
[generic] 466 1448 32.2% -lh5- c279 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/hedd_golded_temp.rexx
[generic] 49873 105472 47.3% -lh5- f4a4 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Heddley
[generic] 32852 94472 34.8% -lh5- 64cc Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Heddley.guide
[generic] 923 1735 53.2% -lh5- d987 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Heddley.info
[generic] 635 1307 48.6% -lh5- fb94 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Heddley.man
[generic] 456 854 53.4% -lh5- ace8 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Heddley_old_unsnap.info
[generic] 1066 4094 26.0% -lh5- c945 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Pictures/attribwin.ilbm
[generic] 1536 5180 29.7% -lh5- c336 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Pictures/butteditwin.ilbm
[generic] 2294 6852 33.5% -lh5- aa5b Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Pictures/doceditwin.ilbm
[generic] 1182 4410 26.8% -lh5- cd09 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Pictures/docpick.ilbm
[generic] 1854 6978 26.6% -lh5- 3141 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Pictures/frontpanel.ilbm
[generic] 1616 5518 29.3% -lh5- f666 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Pictures/infowindow.ilbm
[generic] 1475 5776 25.5% -lh5- 7810 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Pictures/prefswin.ilbm
[generic] 1031 3884 26.5% -lh5- 6aac Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/Pictures/styleeditwin.ilbm
[generic] 670 2206 30.4% -lh5- caac Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Archive/savenode.rexx
[generic] 1112 2158 51.5% -lh5- 3da0 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Heddley.readme
[generic] 232 463 50.1% -lh5- 7ffa Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Heddley.readme.info
[generic] 920 2946 31.2% -lh5- 4891 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Install-Heddley
[generic] 362 726 49.9% -lh5- b487 Aug 29 1994 Heddley/Install-Heddley.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 29 files 138342 303347 45.6% Sep 27 1994
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