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text/dtp/WordWorth7_PL.lha |
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-=----------- ---- --- -= WW7 PL =- --- ---- -----------=-
Archiwum zawiera polskie t³umaczenie programu WordWorth 7, które
wykona³em na w³asny u¿ytek. Wydaje mi siê, ¿e jest ono na
wystarczaj±cym poziomie, aby umie¶ciæ je na Aminecie. Polecam
szczególnie tym, którzy znudzili siê ,,sztywnymi'' translacjami i
pseudopolskimi potworkami.
Zdajê sobie sprawê, ¿e pliki mog± zawieraæ, a nawet na pewno
zawieraj±, drobne buendy. By³bym wdziêczny za komentarz.
Dostêpne wersje: ISO-8859-2 oraz AmigaPL (obie w archiwum).
-=---------- --- -- -= roniuch@o.k.pl =- -- --- --------=-
Contents of text/dtp/WordWorth7_PL.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 668 1312 50.9% -lh5- 620b Oct 17 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_AmigaPL/english/information.catalog
[generic] 391 721 54.2% -lh5- 919f Oct 17 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_AmigaPL/english/picture.catalog
[generic] 462 778 59.4% -lh5- ff1e Oct 17 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_AmigaPL/english/texteffects.catalog
[generic] 805 1579 51.0% -lh5- f504 Oct 17 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_AmigaPL/english/toolbar.catalog
[generic] 2914 5845 49.9% -lh5- b792 Oct 17 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_AmigaPL/english/wordworth.catalog
[generic] 5141 11969 43.0% -lh5- 790f Oct 17 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_AmigaPL/english/wwcore.catalog
[generic] 670 1312 51.1% -lh5- 702e Oct 7 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_ISO-8859-2/english/information.catalog
[generic] 393 721 54.5% -lh5- 60c5 Oct 7 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_ISO-8859-2/english/picture.catalog
[generic] 464 778 59.6% -lh5- 7cb1 Oct 7 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_ISO-8859-2/english/texteffects.catalog
[generic] 808 1579 51.2% -lh5- 33da Oct 7 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_ISO-8859-2/english/toolbar.catalog
[generic] 2914 5845 49.9% -lh5- 11c6 Oct 17 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_ISO-8859-2/english/wordworth.catalog
[generic] 5140 11969 42.9% -lh5- 6b87 Oct 9 2001 WordWorth7_PL/Catalogs_ISO-8859-2/english/wwcore.catalog
[generic] 485 834 58.2% -lh5- 6ad2 Oct 17 2001 WordWorth7_PL/WordWorth7_PL.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 21255 45242 47.0% Oct 20 2001
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