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text/dtp/WWTabManager.lha |
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This program gives you the ability to edit the size of rows and columns of
the tables used in WordWorth.
It comes together with an ARexx script, which calls WWTabManager for the
actual edited text in WordWorth. This script isn't very nice, but it is the
best I can do in the moment with the current ARexx port of WW5. If somebody
is able to make a better script, please send it to my mail address and I
will include it in the next release.
The srcipt asks for the save-filename, saves the file under this name,
starts WWTabManager and after that reloads the text.
(A lot of requester have to be dialed with, but I found no better way!)
The CLI-Options: (get with «WWTabManager ?») FROM/A,TO,FACTOR/N
FROM: the filename of the file containing the table
TO: the destination file (if no given automatically FROM is used)
FACTOR: the division factor (see later explanation)
The FACTOR option gives the division factor for conversion of the internal
data format to the actual needed. Default is 28, which means that the shown
numbers are given in hundreth parts of mm. The number 100 means 1 mm !!!
If you find out numbers for other measuring systems, please send me!
The GUI:
Title Gadgets:
Next switches to the next table in the given data file
Prev switches to the previous table
Save saves the changed data and quits the program
Restart reloads the given data and goes to table one
SetCol sets the size of all columns to the value of the first column
SetRow sets the size of all rows to the value of the first row
Table shows the number of the actual table
All the other gadgets are integer gadgets, which give you the ability to
enter a new value for the row/column size. Finish every input with <RETURN>
or <TAB>. If the number is lower than the minimal size, then it will be
replaced by the minimum.
The table format can change in the future and so it is possible that the
program will not work together with future WordWorth files. (I hope Digita
makes the size setting in the WordWorth main program, so this tools will no
longer be necessary.) Be carefull using this program!
Bug reports and improvement ideas are welcome and please ignore my bad
grammar (and orthography), but tell me errors.
Please contact me:
* snail-mail: Dirk Stoecker * e-mail: *
* Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 * stoecker@rcs.urz.tu-dresden.de *
* 01877 Bischofswerda * phone: *
* GERMANY * GERMANY 03594/706666 *
Contents of text/dtp/WWTabManager.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 613 1644 37.3% -lh5- 581e Sep 21 1996 Source/SDI_ASM_STD_functions.o
[generic] 671 2512 26.7% -lh5- 5f7a Sep 21 1996 Source/SDI_ASM_STD_protos.h
[generic] 1762 4293 41.0% -lh5- 0ac4 Sep 21 1996 Source/SDI_defines.h
[generic] 4394 13697 32.1% -lh5- ad77 Sep 21 1996 Source/WWTabManager.c
[generic] 441 752 58.6% -lh5- 08c3 Sep 21 1996 StartTabManager.rexx
[generic] 3181 6236 51.0% -lh5- 5da5 Sep 21 1996 WWTabManager
[generic] 1384 2986 46.3% -lh5- 717d Sep 21 1996 WWTabManager.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 12446 32120 38.7% Oct 9 1996
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