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Short:PGS3 arexx script - view all pics in directory
Author: Michael.Merkel at (Michael Merkel)
Uploader:Michael Merkel gmx net (Michael Merkel)
Version:2.15 (13.06.1998)
Download:text/dtp/PicCatalog.lha - View contents


This is an ARexx script for use with PageStream3.
With this script you can specify a drawer. This selected drawer
(and all its subdrawers and there subdrawers ...) is searched for
pictures. These pictures are loaded and placed in PageStream3 as
a PictureCatalog. If you want the generated pages will be printed.


spread it! use it! _write me!_


- PageStream3 (of course!!!)
- Pictures! :-))


* copy this into your PageStream3:Scripts/ drawer
* select "Play Script" in PageStream3
* loooook!!!


V1.00 (21. August 1996)
 * first public release

V2.00 (26. August 1996)
 * implemented recursive scanning of directories
 * implemented direct printing of generated pages
 * you can now choose full filenames or short filenames for picturetitles
 * implemented dumpfile "T:PicCatalog.dumpfile"

V2.01 - quick update (26. August 1996)
 * with PGS-ARexx "printdocument" the settings must be specified
   due to that now implemented a litte Printer Setting window.
   You can specify Color/Grayscale, Actual/FitToPage

V2.02 (30. August 1996)
 * solved a little problem with errormessages (supressed now)
 * found a problem in PageStream3.1s iff-ilbm loader:
     If you own "ArtEffect" you _mustn't_ scan the directory "convolution"!!
     This will crash PageStream3.1
 * filenames are shown in busy-requester now!
 * added pagenumber

V2.03 (25. September 1996)
 * corrected the gadgets (labels) to the new format introduced with V3.2b6 of PGS
 * changed coordinate handling (SoftLogik changed that, too)

V2.04 (26. September 1996)
 * coordinate handling changed again! (V3.2b8)
   Now PicCatalog sets the default measurement system to points during the work!
   After doing all pictures the measurement system is set to the one specified in
   the PageStream.prefs file!

V2.05 (06. October 1996)
 * changed the way to specify the picture format to be loaded
 * added some new formats (tiff, eps, iffilus)
   (only use EPS for postscript)

V2.06 (11. October 1996)
 * NEW FEATURE: PicCatalog now can handle - tataaa - PageStream3-Documents!
   (it shows the first page of a documentfile as a thumbnail!)
 * maybe a bit faster now

V2.07 (12. October 1996)
 * redesigned the type prefs because of to much gadgets (only 10 are allowed in a requester)
 * now PicCatalog supports almost all the bitmap/vector formats supported by PageStream3
 * changed the prefs file!
   you *must* reset your prefs. -> PicCatalog will show you...

V2.08 (16. October 1996)
 * changed the prefs format again (sorry :))
   now it's *much* easier for me to add new filetypes (but there are no more...:()
   (and the script is 2kb smaller now!)
 * maybe a *little* bit faster when scanning?
 * changed interface from "left/../bottom gap" to "page offsets"

V2.09 (24. October 1996)
 * PicCatalog2.08 didn't work with PageStream3.1/3.2 final (document thumbnails)
   (stupid bug... it took 5 hours to find it! - now it's working again)

V2.10 (27. October 1996)
 * increased the speed of text a little bit
 * removed some window refreshes (:-) sorry I forgot this ... )

V2.11 (03. November 1996)
 * added the possibility to specify the size of the previews
   (to do this you must spezify the size in the #horizontal/#vertical size fields)
 * fixed a bug with pictures not fitting on the page

V2.12 (10. December 1996)
 * added support for Aldus Freehand EPS
   (i forgot this.. thanks to Timothy T Warren)
 * made all PageStream3 ARexx calls inside PicCatalog "window"-relative.
   so there shouldn't be any more problems when clicking in windows while
   PicCatalog is doing it's job.

V2.13 (07. February 1997)
(Thanks to Ken Harvey for all his tips!)
 * changed handling of full filenames. For pictures in the same directory only the
   first one will now get the full name printed. All following pictures will only
   be listed  by there name instead of the full path.
 * you now can continue a catalog if you want! A dumpfile
   "PageStream3:Scripts/PicCatalog.dumpfile" is created every time you use PicCatalog.
   If you select "skip pics read last time" PicCatalog will skip all pictures listed
   in this dumpfile.
 * added picinfo string below the filename reflecting type and thumbnail size.

V2.14 (17. February 1997)
(Again thanks to Ken Harvey!)
 * now PicCatalog can save the generated catalog after each page is done.
   (-> CatalogPrefs)
 * the pageframe (frame, title and page) is now generated on the masterpage. With
   that it's easier to append several catalog documents (maybe after a crash).
 * added option to prevent pictures from being upscaled. If the picture is smaller
   than the thumbnailframe it will not be scaled up.
 * added possibility to specify a path for the generated dumpfile. It can become
   very big depending on the size of the catalog...
 * removed a possible problem with the dos "list" command

V2.15 (13. June 1998)
 * corrected EMail address


Michael Merkel (MiMe@IRC) (Michael Merkel)


SoftLogik for this wonderful program! It's the best on all platforms...

Contents of text/dtp/PicCatalog.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2423    5387  45.0% -lh5- 27c6 Jun 13  1998 PicCatalog.readme
[generic]                 8239   33345  24.7% -lh5- 3703 Jun 13  1998 PicCatalog.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         2 files   10662   38732  27.5%            Jun 16  1998
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