84782 packages online
pix/misc/SpectrumPics2.lha |
No screenshot available
Hi folks. Here is another great bunch of ZX Spectrum screens,
converted to IFF-ILBM format by myself, using my own program
All of them were taken from comercial games, so they are copyrighted
material. However, since they are ancient, I hope the authors nor the
owners of the copyrights get angry with the public release of this
files. If I'd had to get written permission from the owners, it would
be terrible since they are a lot, and most of the companies even don't
These pics are destinated for those of you who once had a speccy and
remember with nostalgia lots of good time spent in front of the TV set
killing aliens or jumpin' up and down. Maybe someone even let a tear
appear in his eye when seeing some screens. (Ahh! Alien8, Atic Atac,
Saboteur. Snif! ;-).
For the rest of people, in the age of digitizers, true color,
Photo-CD, mpeg and such kind of things, this pictures will seem like
the drawings a small kid do. If this is the case, then don't download
the file. You're warned!
Regards from Spain.
Eduardo Delgado Buitrago
Angel Molina, 5 - 6 B
47400 Medina del Campo
Valladolid - SPAIN
PS: If you don't know what a ZX Spectrum is, I'll tell you that it was a
model of computer designed by Sir Clive Sinclair a very very very long
time ago, in the prehistory of the home computers, when the
microprocessors only had 8 bits, when 48 Kb of RAM were more than
enough, when the audio tapes were used to store programs instead of
floppies, when 16 colors were a bless. That's it, in 1982.
Program: Alien8
Loading. Please wait.
Bytes: Alien8.scr
R - Tape loading error. 10:2
Contents of pix/misc/SpectrumPics2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2952 7574 39.0% -lh5- 65f6 May 19 1993 AdAstra
[generic] 8024 13288 60.4% -lh5- fc04 May 20 1993 AfterTheWar
[generic] 3324 6912 48.1% -lh5- 11c3 May 19 1993 Antiriad
[generic] 7455 14520 51.3% -lh5- 068d May 20 1993 AsparG.P.Master
[generic] 3258 8432 38.6% -lh5- 2e82 May 20 1993 AutoMania
[generic] 4774 12212 39.1% -lh5- ce77 May 19 1993 BatMan
[generic] 4090 12708 32.2% -lh5- c123 May 19 1993 BatManIII
[generic] 6805 14990 45.4% -lh5- 1572 May 19 1993 BlackBeard
[generic] 5030 14280 35.2% -lh5- b31d May 20 1993 BreakThru
[generic] 2951 11088 26.6% -lh5- b3bb May 20 1993 Bumpy
[generic] 8999 16864 53.4% -lh5- 681b May 19 1993 Cabal
[generic] 6232 15472 40.3% -lh5- ec5d May 20 1993 ChaseH.Q.
[generic] 3376 10338 32.7% -lh5- 4f26 May 20 1993 ChequeredFlag
[generic] 6843 13916 49.2% -lh5- e3ca May 20 1993 Coliseum
[generic] 4306 10874 39.6% -lh5- 24fd May 20 1993 Darius+
[generic] 6697 12050 55.6% -lh5- 11c2 May 20 1993 DonQuijote
[generic] 3776 8756 43.1% -lh5- 4a44 May 20 1993 DoubleDragon
[generic] 4204 11678 36.0% -lh5- 0305 May 19 1993 DoubleTake
[generic] 7205 15726 45.8% -lh5- 04c7 May 19 1993 DragonNinja
[generic] 3101 6290 49.3% -lh5- 785d May 20 1993 DunDarach
[generic] 5138 12366 41.5% -lh5- a664 May 19 1993 ElMisterioDelNilo
[generic] 5727 13164 43.5% -lh5- b009 May 20 1993 ExplodingFist
[generic] 5864 12456 47.1% -lh5- db73 May 20 1993 FreddyHardest
[generic] 6218 14058 44.2% -lh5- 03b7 May 19 1993 FrostByte
[generic] 6506 14250 45.7% -lh5- bce2 May 20 1993 Ghosts'NGoblins
[generic] 4372 12666 34.5% -lh5- 9b31 May 20 1993 Glaurung
[generic] 6072 14252 42.6% -lh5- d69a May 19 1993 Hands
[generic] 1858 4794 38.8% -lh5- 6349 May 20 1993 HarrierAttack
[generic] 6351 13688 46.4% -lh5- f75f May 19 1993 HighwayEncounter
[generic] 6485 13798 47.0% -lh5- bec7 May 20 1993 HyperSports
[generic] 4508 10178 44.3% -lh5- b1b6 May 20 1993 ImpossibleMission
[generic] 5550 13562 40.9% -lh5- 817d May 20 1993 JackTheNipper
[generic] 6920 14874 46.5% -lh5- 5deb May 20 1993 JailBreak
[generic] 6613 15240 43.4% -lh5- bb11 May 20 1993 Karnov
[generic] 4259 10108 42.1% -lh5- 3a41 May 20 1993 LivingstoneSupongo
[generic] 3751 8136 46.1% -lh5- e3f2 May 20 1993 MapSnatch
[generic] 1600 6246 25.6% -lh5- 6e9c May 20 1993 Martianoids
[generic] 5396 12462 43.3% -lh5- 5d7c May 19 1993 MazeMania
[generic] 7166 11336 63.2% -lh5- 2cc2 May 20 1993 Mot
[generic] 8556 17048 50.2% -lh5- 07a7 May 20 1993 Obliterator
[generic] 6449 13020 49.5% -lh5- f1db May 20 1993 OlympicChallenge
[generic] 5201 10174 51.1% -lh5- 2f46 May 19 1993 OperationThunderbolt
[generic] 3490 11050 31.6% -lh5- c3e7 May 20 1993 Oracle'sCave
[generic] 5017 12750 39.3% -lh5- 1ee7 May 19 1993 p-47
[generic] 4558 11036 41.3% -lh5- ca56 May 20 1993 PipeMania
[generic] 7046 14716 47.9% -lh5- b72a May 19 1993 R-Type
[generic] 5012 12042 41.6% -lh5- e1ad May 19 1993 Rastan
[generic] 5254 15398 34.1% -lh5- 8892 May 20 1993 Robocop
[generic] 3329 7330 45.4% -lh5- c9ec May 19 1993 Saboteur
[generic] 3194 8888 35.9% -lh5- 17e8 May 19 1993 Saboteur2
[generic] 6477 20204 32.1% -lh5- ee6a May 20 1993 Sabrina
[generic] 4249 8296 51.2% -lh5- f60a May 19 1993 ScoobyDoo
[generic] 4080 12294 33.2% -lh5- 3627 May 20 1993 ShortCircuit
[generic] 1997 10732 18.6% -lh5- 6151 May 20 1993 Spectrum
[generic] 5089 8608 59.1% -lh5- 6b61 May 20 1993 Stonkers
[generic] 2537 5710 44.4% -lh5- ef33 May 20 1993 Sweevo'sWorld
[generic] 5250 9492 55.3% -lh5- a298 May 20 1993 Thanatos
[generic] 6712 14112 47.6% -lh5- 3871 May 19 1993 TheMunsters
[generic] 8035 14892 54.0% -lh5- a3bc May 20 1993 TigerRoad
[generic] 2703 7176 37.7% -lh5- 653e May 20 1993 TotalEclipse
[generic] 2712 8516 31.8% -lh5- 626a May 20 1993 TurboEsprit
[generic] 2814 7768 36.2% -lh5- 02cc May 20 1993 TurboEsprit2
[generic] 5215 11504 45.3% -lh5- 55b9 May 19 1993 Tusker
[generic] 5745 12396 46.3% -lh5- f02e May 20 1993 ViajeAlCentroDeLaTierra
[generic] 5863 14746 39.8% -lh5- 24a2 May 19 1993 Vindicator
[generic] 6278 10214 61.5% -lh5- b151 May 19 1993 Xenon
[generic] 961 1657 58.0% -lh5- e7f0 May 12 1994 ReadMe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 67 files 337579 777371 43.4% Jun 2 1994
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