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Italian Beauty Competition
set in SALSOMAGGIORE (PR) on 5-6-7 September 96
1st: DENNY MENDEZ (also Miss Cinema)
2nd: ILARIA MURTAS (also Miss Moda Mare)
Personally, I prefer more the 6th RAFFAELLA CANEDI (beautiful green eyes)
and the 2nd ILARIA MURTAS.
DIGITIZER: MacroSystem's V-LAB Y/C real time 24 bit digitizer.
PROCESSING: Nova Design's IMAGE F/X 2.6 image processor. ALL PICTURES AND
La Miss Italia '96 è Denny Mendez, la ragazza di colore che aveva già vinto
il titolo di Miss Cinema. La ragazza è originaria di Santo Domingo. La
sua presenza alle finali di Salsomaggiore ha provocato polemiche tra i
giurati, esclusioni e ripensamenti sul fatto che una ragazza dalla pelle
scura possa rappresentare i canoni di "italianità". Diciotto anni
compiuti, Danny è alta 1.79 m. Sogna di diventare indossatrice o di
lavorare in televisione. Oltre il titolo di Miss Italia vince 170 milioni
in contratti di lavoro. La diretta su RAIUNO è stata seguita da 10 milioni
e 700mila spettatori pari al 55.5 % dell'ascolto.
Summary: Polemics in Italy after the election as Miss Italy of a black
girl, not considered representative of the "italianity" canons.
LETTER from TIME n.17, Oct. 21, 1996:
A Black Miss Italy.
The woman chosen Miss Italy should have Italian roots, ¡talian patterns;
simply to be an Italian citizen is not enogh [Sept. 23]. It is not a
matter of skin color; she has to be Italian through and through, and not
just on paper. What has happened here is reverse racism against Italian
folks who have few rights in their own country. C.R., Italy.
That's TRUE! The Miss Italy must have Italian roots. But what has to be
changed is the Regulament of the beauty competition. In fact it has
permitted the election of a girl with Italian citizenship and living in
Italy, but born in S. Domingo and doughter of non-italian parents!
G.Alfani, Roma, Italy.
Short notes about G.A.:
Guido Alfani was born in Roma (Italy) in 1967, he's 1.80 m tall. After
getting the Classic Maturity Diploma he studied Political Sciences
(improving also english and learning romanian language) at the University
of Roma "La Sapienza" becoming Doctor in Political Sciences with
specialization historico-political [2nd level university degree / 4-5
years] discussing a thesis in History of the Political Doctrines (1993).
After winning a scholarship of the University of Bucharest he attended a
summer course in Romania regarding romanian language, literature and
history (Sinaia, July-August 1993). In 1994 he wrote a biographical entry
(G.L. Frollo, Venezia 1832-Bucharest 1899) soon published in the next
volume of "Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani" (Biographical Dictionary
of the Italians) by Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani. The
following year he attended a course about the History of Hungary in XX
century (Academy of Hungary, via Giulia 1, Falconieri Palace, Roma). He's
currently studying for a postgraduate university course for Consulents of
Assembly [3rd level] at the Department of Theory of the State of the
Faculty of Political Sciences aiming to prepare experts in the working of
the elective assemblies. His hobbies are: the reading, swimming, image
processing and martial arts (Kung Fu - Loong Fu Tong). He's been using
AMIGA since 1987!! From A1000 to A4000/040 Cybervision!!
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Total 22 files 845385 852398 99.2% Jan 24 1997
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