84782 packages online
pix/misc/MagicX_94.lha |
No screenshot available
Pictures were made in Imagine 2.0, Brilliance 2.0 or ImageFX.
Some of the pictures were published in local magazine for games "Joker".
All pictures are in 640x512 except AmigaMirror, which is in 320x256.
If you like any of the pictures and want more of my work, contact me at
Marko Rodosek - /\/\agicX
Morje 144
62313 Fram
Slovenia, Europe
If you just like the pictures and want to congratulate him for the great job
he's done, write to E-mail Drago.Fiser@uni-mb.si.
91328 39927 56.2% 02-Jan-94 09:52:42 GFX_by_MagicX_94/CompetitionPro.iff
28390 12984 54.2% 03-Jan-94 09:46:58 GFX_by_MagicX_94/EnjoyAmiga.iff
259692 215127 17.1% 04-Jan-94 23:36:12 GFX_by_MagicX_94/JokerJoystick.iff
134400 86031 35.9% 05-Sep-94 21:43:56 GFX_by_MagicX_94/MagicX.iff
112790 62631 44.4% 18-May-94 10:09:58 GFX_by_MagicX_94/Watter.iff
228616 201211 11.9% 05-Jan-94 00:32:40 GFX_by_MagicX_94/YouSeeIt.iff
65210 58826 9.7% 24-Sep-94 22:58:56 GFX_by_MagicX_94/AmigaMirror.iff
117390 79982 31.8% 04-Jan-94 23:40:32 GFX_by_MagicX_94/BackToTheAmiga.iff
104100 57937 44.3% 27-Oct-94 11:40:24 GFX_by_MagicX_94/BananaJoker.iff
------- ----- --------- --------
1141916 814656 28.6% 05-Jan-94 01:13:12 9 files
Contents of pix/misc/MagicX_94.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 39927 91328 43.7% -lh5- 0fb1 Dec 2 1993 GFX_by_MagicX_94/CompetitionPro.iff
[generic] 12984 28390 45.7% -lh5- fef5 Jan 3 1980 GFX_by_MagicX_94/EnjoyAmiga.iff
[generic] 215127 259692 82.8% -lh5- e166 Jan 4 1994 GFX_by_MagicX_94/JokerJoystick.iff
[generic] 86031 134400 64.0% -lh5- a364 Sep 5 1994 GFX_by_MagicX_94/MagicX.iff
[generic] 62631 112790 55.5% -lh5- ed23 May 18 1994 GFX_by_MagicX_94/Watter.iff
[generic] 201211 228616 88.0% -lh5- b04f Jan 5 1994 GFX_by_MagicX_94/YouSeeIt.iff
[generic] 58826 65210 90.2% -lh5- ea8c Sep 24 1994 GFX_by_MagicX_94/AmigaMirror.iff
[generic] 79982 117390 68.1% -lh5- 4a76 Jan 4 1994 GFX_by_MagicX_94/BackToTheAmiga.iff
[generic] 57937 104100 55.7% -lh5- c016 Oct 27 1994 GFX_by_MagicX_94/BananaJoker.iff
[generic] 717 1365 52.5% -lh5- 1808 Sep 2 1992 GFX_by_MagicX_94.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 815373 1143281 71.3% Jan 18 1995
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