Created & Compiled By Yomaru Kasuga
Created and Release in January 4, 2022
This is an additional fonts that replicated from Microsoft Windows.
Gradient image must be in linear downwards only.
In any colorful variants, no shadows and no outlines.
Try it and see what is imaginable such like classic.
1. First you need to insert the "RSI DemoMaker 1.0" Disk to the first
floppy drive and insert the "Gradient Fonts for RSI Demo Maker" disk
to the second (external) floppy drive.
2. On The Main Menu Screen, select highlighted to "Font 32*32" and then
click "Load" button.
3. Select DF1: Drive tab and choose from 28 fonts to select font name,
and click "Load".
4. To Testing it, select highlighted to "ScrollText Unten" and click
"Edit" button.
5. Type your text that you want to say it on the screen. When your done,
hit "Enter".
6. Next, click "Pattern-Editor" button, and add "Screen Mode" button to
the patterns in #000. Click right arrow button and insert "TextScr32"
button to the patterns in #001, adjust the time within 5 to 80 seconds
(optional) and when you're done, click "Quit" button.
7. And lastly, click "Test Demo" button to show the font scrolling on
text, and enjoy.
Version History:
1.00 / 2022-01-04: Initial Release
1.10 / 2022-09-01: All typefaces inside archives or disks were rearranged
due to the file counting issues of concerns.
1.20 / 2024-02-23: Updating Fonts & Names, several files with "_" Sign
omitted and add 1 item from 27 (28 in 1).
File Name: |Font Name:
Liberty |URW Liberty
LimehouseScript |Limehouse Script
Lithos |Lithos Black
London |"
LoopDeLoop |Loop De Loop
LoRes9WideBold |Lo-Res 9 Wide Bold
LosAngeles |Los Angeles Laser
LucidaBright |Lucida Bright
LucidaCalligraphy |Lucida Calligraphy
LucidaHandwriting |Lucida Handwriting
LucidaSans |Lucida Sans
LucidaSansTypwriter |Lucida Sans Typewriter
Lumparsky |"
Lydian |"
Machine |ITC Machine
Mandarin |"
MaoMao |Mao Mao
Martoonie |"
Matura |Matura MT
Maxwell |Filmotype Maxwell
Media |Media Serif
MercuriusScriptBold |Mercurius Script MT Bold
Metropolitaines |"
Minerva |(formerly knowna as Mimi Slender)
Mistral |"
Monaco |"
MotterFemina |Motter Femina
MotterOmbra |Motter Ombra |