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Short:Gradient Fonts for RSI Demo Maker Disk 4
Author: starchoicemusic at
Uploader:Yomaru Kasuga/Yomarumon Dreams (starchoicemusic yahoo com)
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Created & Compiled By Yomaru Kasuga
Created in: November 08, 2020

This is an additional fonts that replicated from Microsoft Windows.
Gradient image must be in linear downwards only.
In any colorful variants, no shadows and no outlines.
Try it and see what is imaginable such like classic.

1. First you need to insert the "RSI DemoMaker 1.0" Disk to the first
floppy drive and insert the "Gradient Fonts for RSI Demo Maker" disk
to the second (external) floppy drive.
2. On The Main Menu Screen, select highlighted to "Font 32*32" and then
click "Load" button.
3. Select DF1: Drive tab and choose from 28 fonts to select font name,
and click "Load".
4. To Testing it, select highlighted to "ScrollText Unten" and click
"Edit" button.
5. Type your text that you want to say it on the screen. When your done,
hit "Enter".
6. Next, click "Pattern-Editor" button, and add "Screen Mode" button to
the patterns in #000. Click right arrow button and insert "TextScr32"
button to the patterns in #001, adjust the time within 5 to 80 seconds
(optional) and when you're done, click "Quit" button.
7. And lastly, click "Test Demo" button to show the font scrolling on
text, and enjoy.

Version History:
1.00 / 2020-11-11: Initial Release
1.10 / 2022-09-01: All typefaces inside archives or disks were rearranged
                   due to the file counting issues of concerns.
1.20 / 2024-02-23: Updating Fonts & Names, several files with "_" Sign
                   omitted and add 1 item from 27 (28 in 1).

File Name:          |Font Name:
Caraway             |Caraway Bold
CarolusRoman        |Carolus
CartoonBold         |Cartoon Bold
CartoonNormal       |Cartoon Normal
CascadeScript       |Cascade Script
CaslonAntique       |Caslon Antique
Castellar           |"
CennerikExtraBold   |Cennerik Extra Bold
CenturyGothicBd     |Century Gothic Bold
CenturySchlbkBd     |Century Schoolbook Bold
ChalklineBold       |Chalkline Bold
ChallengeBold       |Challenge Bold
CharlemagneBold     |Charlemagne Bold
CharlieChan         |Charlie Chan
Chaucer             |"
Chicago             |"
Choc                |"
ChurchwardBrush     |Churchward Brush
City                |"
Clairvaux           |"
ClarendonCondensed  |Clarendon Condensed
ClearfaceHeavy      |ITC Clearface Heavy
ClubType            |ClubType Mercurius
Colonna             |"
ComicBookOne        |Comic Book One IC
ComicBookTwo        |Comic Book Two IC
ComicStripThaulez   |Comic Strip MN
CooperBlack         |Cooper Black BT

Contents of pix/misc/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//pix/misc/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
   12760  Defl:N     3024  76% 2024-02-22 10:23 f609dcad  Caraway
    9414  Defl:N     2466  74% 2024-02-22 10:24 625ba89b  CarolusRoman
   30872  Defl:N     2807  91% 2024-02-22 09:16 49524c6b  CartoonBold
   12012  Defl:N     3210  73% 2024-02-22 10:24 7ebefed0  CartoonNormal
   10998  Defl:N     3095  72% 2024-02-22 09:26 beda25d2  CascadeScript
   12274  Defl:N     3052  75% 2024-02-22 09:27 6344f163  CaslonAntique
   11534  Defl:N     2973  74% 2024-02-22 09:26 bec86900  Castellar
   30872  Defl:N     2667  91% 2024-02-22 09:26 a64eca64  CennerikExtraBold
   30872  Defl:N     2602  92% 2024-02-22 09:27 86dacf24  CenturyGothicBd
   30872  Defl:N     2922  91% 2024-02-22 09:27 36d89e39  CenturySchlbkBd
   30872  Defl:N     3918  87% 2024-02-22 09:26 54fe644e  ChalklineBold
   30872  Defl:N     3303  89% 2024-02-22 09:27 617b3175  ChallengeBold
   11876  Defl:N     2938  75% 2024-02-22 09:26 b840d001  CharlemagneBold
   12152  Defl:N     2758  77% 2024-02-22 09:26 211ee45d  CharlieChan
   30872  Defl:N     2744  91% 2024-02-22 09:26 babc5953  Chaucer
   30872  Defl:N     2237  93% 2024-02-22 09:26 3e644773  Chicago
   30872  Defl:N     3234  90% 2024-02-22 09:27 4f964ce3  Choc
   12586  Defl:N     2490  80% 2024-02-23 20:20 b8e14c0d  ChurchwardBrush
   10088  Defl:N     1970  81% 2024-02-23 14:49 9ad02d55  City
   11142  Defl:N     3060  73% 2024-02-22 10:23 954500ca  Clairvaux
   11734  Defl:N     2511  79% 2024-02-22 09:26 c413db88  ClarendonCondensed
   30872  Defl:N     2857  91% 2024-02-22 09:27 552b408e  ClearfaceHeavy
   30872  Defl:N     2937  91% 2024-02-22 09:26 f5673ee7  ClubType
   10378  Defl:N     2925  72% 2024-02-22 09:27 b5f30afe  Colonna
   11556  Defl:N     2887  75% 2024-02-22 09:27 ad02464f  ComicBookOne
   13510  Defl:N     3299  76% 2024-02-22 09:27 8f858c6a  ComicBookTwo
   30872  Defl:N     3067  90% 2024-02-22 09:26 2f05f225  ComicStripThaulez
   30872  Defl:N     3001  90% 2024-02-22 09:26 70b3fa80  CooperBlack
--------          -------  ---                            -------
  575350            80954  86%                            28 files
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