Digital Arts Journal - June 1992
This distribution contains four large two colour IFF ILBMs that make up
the Hi-Tech Journal that we, at Digital Arts are publishing.
Default viewing:-
Run DPaint in Hi-Res/Interlaced/Pal/Std Overscan and open a 'daj' ILBM.
Hit F10 to get rid of the menu-gads and down arrow to start reading.
The ILBMs are ~1760 x ~2486 pixels and take up about 550K of ram each in
the raw and should be viewable on a 1 meg chip ram machine. These 1 bit
plane ILBMs seem to scroll quite reasonably on an A3000 in DPaint.
We are interested in getting any feedback or contributions to our next
'daj' publication, which is output to film from a Linotronic and printed
on quality gloss paper in one colour. A mailing list, both surface and
electronic, is used to distribute this publication worldwide.
Encapsulated Postript and TIFF versions are also available. Enquiries to;
Mark Constable or Margaret Brown
Phone/Fax: +61 75 764 050
Data/Uucp: +61 75 765 160