Pictures from the Cologne 95 fair
Here are the pictures (at last!) from the Cologne 95 fair as well as two pics
from the Orbit fair!
Have fun.
Direct suggestions, comments and appraisals to, money to
my banc account (details if you email me), A4000Ts060 to me, and post your
flames to misc.test. :)
I have converted the pictures from a PhotoCD source to have perfect scanning
quality (anyway, I can't pay a good color scanner :( ) and used PhotoGenics to
convert them. I have then viewed all the pictures with CyberView to check that
the jpgs are OK.
Phase5 equipment helped to minimize waiting time, but an 040 is still too
slow...maybe anybody wanna make my A3000 love these 060 accelerators and donate
me one? ;)
If you recognize yourself, you could maybe write me some more mail.
In case anybody would like to do something nice, I'd be glad for newer beta
versions of IBrowse (>0.73) and similarly useful stuff.
At any rate, you can also reach me on 2:301/133@fidonet or 39:110/312@amiganet.
Here the descriptions:
Pic14: Assembling for a group picture.
Pic15: Picture: Frontmost: Domenig Weyermann
Behind him: Me (Rene Laederach)
Second rank: Members from Domenigs computer club
Third (from left to right): Caspar Schlegel, Marc Eggenberger, <unknown>
Peter Glauser and Bruno Soltermann.
Pic20: My BBS machine dissected. Anybody remembering what type the accelerator
is? (And of course, I also have some disco lighting when my Ariadne
transfers data :) ).
Pic22: The cup everybody envies me for. :)
Pic23: That's only a small portion of what we brought home. :)
Pic24: Next evening, we went to Peter and had a "Sauffete" to discuss Cologne...
Actually, I was able to drive home my car. :)
I made a stop in a nearby toilet to remove pressure, though....;)
Pic26: My car, correctly decorated, though. :)
Pic27: My loot. :) (I went shopping...)
Pic28: The paper work (if VillageTronic could repay the VAT despite some email
and two faxes, as well as the letter containing the receipt of
Pic29: After the 'hunt', at the hotel.
Pic30: No limits to shopping! :)
Pic31: The AT stand...
Pic32: Another hunter, not from our group...
Pic33: Domenig Weyermann live (in the middle, arguing with another from our
group...), the person scratching the back of his head is me. :)
Pic36: The stand where Peter Glauser wasted hefty amount of cash (20 DEM?) :)
(was a horoscope. :( )
Pic37: Our group at one of the hourly meetings. :)
Pic38: Peter Glauser with his booty
Pic39: I'd like to have such a wallpaper at home. :)
Pic41: Another part of the AT stand. :)
Pic42: Close-up of the AT stand. :)
Pic43: Somebody as tired as we are. :) (BTW: Who's the person who pours the
drink into Jonathan's Glass?)
Pic44: Maxon stand...
Pic45: Maxon Cinema4D display - all the people went there and didn't care much
for Organiser and the other Maxon Products.
Pic46: Fred Fish, probably a bit tired. :)
Pic47: Gabriele Lechner (Lechner Verlag, a German publisher of many Amiga
related books)
Pic49: The crowd at the AT stand - it was even worse on Saturday. :)
Pic50: Petro Tyschtschenko is talking to somebody unknown (maybe a politician?
:) ). I'd like to know who the black person is...looks like a reporter...
Pic51: Petro Tyschtschenko.
Pic53: Some AT person is trying demoing the I-Glasses to an interested audience,
including Marc Eggenberger, one from our group...
Pic54: The TV wall...
Pic56: Petro Tyschtschenko explaining the respective advantages to the German
ex-minister of Justice, Ms Leutheusser-Scharrenberger.
Pic57: The author of this readme. :)
Pic58: Peter Glauser, posing in front of a wall-paper some persons might love to
get. :)
Pic59: We both. Angela Schmidt will surely remember us, because she has taken
the picture. :)
Pic60: Gabriele Lechner (left) and another employee of Lechner Verlag
Pic61: Promigos Stand at the Orbit'95 in Basle, Switzerland
Pic66: Software corner at the Promigos Stand on the Orbit95. :)
Pic68: This is the crowd...and this was picture was taken on Friday! On
Saturday, it was no more possibe to walk.
Pic69: You couldn't miss this one....
Pic70: No, this is not the cafe. :)
Pic71: On the way to Cologne, just outside of Basle, on the German side.
Pic72: Zorro board for the A1200 beside a *black* tower (a piece I'd really like
to have...., you know, for display. PC freaks get intimidated by black
boxes, ehhh Amiga towers... :)
Pic73: They've got ten of 'em stashed.... :)
Pic74: A DraCo.
Pic75: Zorro board with PCI slots for the PC side, with a one-board Pentium PC.
Talk about emulation! :) At the Micronik stand, if I remember correctly.
Pic76: A stack of monitors....
Pic78: The PowerUp board from phase5
Pic79: Two red-eyed (pre-Flash probably missed out on this one :( ) AT employees
which I don't know by name.
Pic80: The conference hall was quite crowded when AT was on the plan, and only a
third full when Apple was presenting their views. :) Of course, this is
from an AT conference. :)
Pic82: An overview of the conference room during an AT session. :)
Pic84: The stage....
Pic85: Hole up and camp. :) The old man in the upper left corner was the oldest
member of our group...
Pic87: Sleepy Domenig and Greg Perry and Jonathan Potter wide awake (or is it
it the other way around? :) )
Pic88: The author of... (guess yourself :) )
Pic90: DPK and Domenig Weyermann....
Pic91: Our lunch table....
Pic92: time, we will have to do some preparative work like in
film studios to make pictures look even better - donations are always
welcome :)
Pic93: Amiga Fever (maybe anybody has the source for this T-Shirt?)
Pic94: Greg Perry....when does GPFax 3 hit the shelves?
Pic97: The phase5 stand, in front the display with the PowerUp card....
Pic98: Phase5 again - this time computers very probably fitted with phase5
Pic99: Fred Fish and Marc Eggenberger...
Pic101: The table again....