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CRS00050: megamix anniversary release
[corrosion music mega remixes]
50th release needs to be special, and this one sure is ;>
we bring you special remixes of crsmusic released tunes.
musicians involved are:
asarhad with calculated risk remix [original by domin8r] [soundstudio]
domin8r with diablosmundos remix [original by asarhad] [mod]
paranoid with new world disorder remix [original by domin8r] [dbm]
phase with transformation remix [original by domin8r] [it]
& juyu-komite remix [original by asarhad] [xm]
pyc with uptempo! remix [original by domin8r] [xm]
no remorse.
worldwide anarchy distribution centers:
www: CoRRoSioN music @ WebHQ [www.crsn.com]
http://www.crsn.com/music [hq]
http://amigascne.org/corrosion/music [mirror]
ftp: Aminet Amiga ftp [www.aminet.net/~aminet]
--- check out also other aminet-sites ---
bbs: ANOTHER LIFE +381-(0)11-8723-237
CoRRoSioN yu dist. sysop: fREAk/mAD ViRGIN
e-mail: corrosion@amigascne.org [corrosion posse]
domin8r@amigascne.org [domin8r]
alx@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu [.aSARHAd.]
paran0id@antisocial.com [Paran0iD]
phase@c0dex.com [phase]