: .___________:RELEASE INFO:
: .________| /: :
_______ | /| /___/__TYPE: MODULE:
\ __/_|____ /_|___ / /DATE: 960131:
._\_____ | / / l__/_ /:TIME: 21:00:
|spt / l__/_ / /_____/ : :
l____ / /_____/presents :············:
: /_____/ : pHutuRe T1 :
: : rELEASE :
··[ ArtiFiciaL iNSPiRATiON ]··············
Taken from my musicdisk/file "Phuture Trax vol1",
that was released in January 1996 for Amiga OCS.
This is just great TranceTechno! You don't wanna
miss this! Just get it now, and dance until your
feet hurts.... -[- SLC / RoYaL 1996 -]-
C ya'll in Volume 2...