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Short:Math Hysteria (8:11, 137bpm Psytrance)
Author: neurodancer at (Neurodancer)
Uploader:fate frankfurt netsurf de (Pieter Hollants)
Download:mods/neuro/nd-math.lha - View contents

                ___ __     ___  __ ___| __  ___ __  __ ___
               |  /(_/_(__)\  '(__)\__|(__l|  /(___(_/_\  '


                "  M  a  t  h     H  y  s  t  e  r  i  a  "

        a Neurodancer production under the "no eurodance!" label :)

                               C h a k r a l

                all the children & all the life coming now
                   are very high interdimensional beings
                        and when the time is right
              we are going to see something quite remarkable
                 coming from the children of the earth...

                             we are connected
               like brother and sister we move through space

         (Space Tribe - "Ultrasonic Heartbeat" - Spirit Zone 017)
                 - one of the best goa albums out there! -

                                A b o u t 

       This is one of the weirder goa/psychedelic trance pieces I've
       done so far, but nevertheless, I think it really kicks a lot.
     Check out the mind-bending, ear-killing :) synthguitar-style riff
       around playing position #50 and -- turn up the volume! I see
     quite some development in the few goa tunes I've released so far,
     and the tune(s) I'm working on right now get even closer to that
     feeling I want in my tunes. Nothing is perfect, but as long it is
       enjoyable, its good. Or: every good boat will tumble, always!

                             T e c h n i q u e

     When creating drumloops with Mod2Smp, give a damn about the size
      of the module and render with the highest resolution, A-3. The
      treble parts of your initial material will thank you a lot. :)

         To re-create the most authentical sound, it is sometimes
        necessary to increase the volume of the resulting rendered
      drumloop by 10% or so, often 1 or 2 clicks on "boost" will also
     do fine. Of course, there will be a slight loss of dynamic, bass
      tends to get a bit "washed", but you can compensate that a bit
                          with the above tricks.

     Also, if you have a drumloop with long openhihats, don't use the
      first beat of the bassdrum in your song, but cut out the second
      or third beat of your loop where the rest of the hihat sound is
       still playing - it sounds much more compact and and continous
      troughout the song, and none will notice that ending "shhh" of
      the hihat on the first beat of the bassdrum when the drumtrack
                            starts to play. :)

                             G r e e t i n g s

 All in 1oo% (of course), Count Dan, Cowo, GDM/Looker House, Grimlock/e^D,
    Hawkwind, Juice/PHD, LhA 1.50r, LSD, Moon/Abyss, Mr. E, Pride/TRSI,
                 Radiosity, SMC/Abyss, Teis/PHD, Zych/TRSI

   ...and to all the unmentioned others that fill the vacuum around me.

                               C o n t a c t

             In case you want to contact me, please write to:
        [please no modules/samples swapping, chatting preferred :)]

                      Neurodancer 99:4908/1.0@coconet

       or call my BBS "Aurora Borealis", its open 24h for everyone,
        my modules can be downloaded immediately after signing on:

                           +49-8621-64260 v.34+

     In addition, most of my modules can be found on the 1oo% homepage:


   The Metronome archive has a separate directory with some of my mods:

   , pub/mods/composers/N/Neurodancer

            Soon to find on Aminet in [mods/neuro] (hopefully!)

                           S a m p l e   I n f o

		#1	Raw Square
			Source: SMC's Akai Samplecollection

		#2	Horrorpad
			Source: XX-Large The Killer SamplingCD

		#3	Convostring (used as bassline)
			Source: Masterbits

		#4	K700 Miniseq C2
			Source: XX-Large The Killer SamplingCD

		#5	MasterBlaster FX
			Source: MasterBits

		#6	K700 Miniseq C3
			Source: XX-Large The Killer SamplingCD

		#7	K700 analogue string (boost x3)
			Source: XX-Large The Killer SamplingCD

		#8	Phasing Vocoder String
			Source: XX-Large The Killer SamplingCD

		#9	WailGuitar C4 (part of)
			Source: Masterbits

		#C	OpenHH
			Source: CR-78

		#D	CloseHH
			Source: CR-78

		#E	FX Snaredrum #3
			Source: SMC's Akai Samplecollection

		#F	Ingenious Bassdrum :) (one hell of a kick for 8bit!)
			Source: Unknown

		#10	Drumtrack (Snare/Bass/Snare) - play pattern #10!
			Source: Mod2SMP

		#11	Drumtrack (Bass) - play pattern #10!
			Source: Mod2SMP

             _____    __.__ __ _____    _____ __ _____    _____
            _\__  \  /  |  \\//  _  \  /  _  \\//  _  \  _\__  \
  __       /   /   \        \    \  /_    /   \    \  /_    /   \
.-\/----- /         \        \   /    \        \   /    \        \ --------.
|        /_______    \    ____\ _\     \   _____\ _\     \   _____\        |
|                                 \_____\           \_____\nd!             |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|     aurora borealis - 1oo% world headquarters - phd dist site south      |
|          amiga ^ ascii/ansi ^ modules ^ cnet ^ manga ^ coconet           |
| more than 400 ascii collections online, plus magazines plus ansi packs!  |
|     check out our famous modules area w/ special goatrance section!      |
|         freedown on 1oo%, neurodancer & phase distortion stuff           |
|    coconet host for bavaria - free polling slots for nodes & points!     |
|                                                                          |
|                  call now! docking bays are open 24h!                    |
|                          +49-8621-64260 v.34+                            |
|             cnet bbs & gvp040/33mhz & 10mb ram & 2.3gig hd               :
|                                                                          |
:                                                                          |
|     _____ __ _____    _____ __ _____    _____ __ _____   ___   ____      |
|    _\_   \\//  _  \  /  _  \\//  _  \  _\__  \\/|     |__\__| /  _/__    |
`-- /   _  /_    /   \    \  /_    \__/_    /   \ |     |     | \___   \ --'
   /    /    \        \   /    \        \        \      |_    |    /    \
  /____       \   _____\ _\     \   _____\   _____\  ____/____| __       \
      /________\           \_____\                               /________\

                        Just say no to Drum'n Bass!

Contents of mods/neuro/nd-math.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2657    6802  39.1% -lh5- 7f5a Mar 23  1997 Mods/MathHysteria.nfo
[generic]               271831  426940  63.7% -lh5- 91aa Mar 23  1997 Mods/mod.MathHysteria
[generic]                  147     359  40.9% -lh5- e3f1 Mar 23  1997 File_Id.DIZ
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         3 files  274635  434101  63.3%            Aug  6  1998
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